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yes you are. you'll get it too.
I'm looking for an egg crate.
sean nicholas , i never lose my cool
jin is azn
I tried raping alkey.
holla front
Quote:I tried raping alkey.
Slash's ears just twitched.
Hey can I buy that space in the year book from you? I would like to use it to place an advertisment for the business.
Emo fights suck. What a bunch of fucking pussies. Go for a walk in a park already.
yearbooks all sell space for ads i know my schools does. For money to help out on the prom.
"See you at the football game"
Quote:I'm looking for an egg crate.

those are great to sleep on
i live in a refrigerator box
"I have a handgun in my locker"
I bet that "Insert random name here" is the first person in this class who dies.
"There is a bomb in the boiler room. I'm going out Christian Slater style"
[quote]I bet that "Insert random name here" is the first person in this class who dies.

Just as long as it's your name that's inserted.
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