Full Version: Attention!!!! - No Nudity rule
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I'm only allowed to get Ants naked for Alkey's viewing pleasure.
hehe, silera's avatar is nekkid :loveya:
I'll remove that pronto.
Don't you dare
What can you threaten me with?

Your eggrolls?
I'll ban...Damn there goes that ego of mine I've heard so much about. Um, I'll stop being your friend
That's mean.

hi silera
Well when I'm backed into a corner I've got to pull out the big guns
hi honey.
Hybrid killed the chat thread
I got scared.
Hybrid does that to women
Hi Hybrid! (leave them alone, ok pal?)
Careful Hybrid he may go buck wild on you and chauffer you to and from all social gatherings and stuff.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:Careful Hybrid he may go buck wild on you and chauffer you to and from all social gatherings and stuff.
wait.... does that mean hybrid = subzero? :crackhead:
I think Hybrid's feelings are going to be hurt.
pffft... like i care about hybrid's feelings :burnfucker:
awwwwww poor hybrid :poke: :poke: :poke:
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