Full Version: Attention!!!! - No Nudity rule
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Jinny is mean Undecided
nope.... You guys are just making it worse for my neighbor...or maybe you're making it better....


[Image: tishara.jpg]

Edited By TFEC on 1035220335
Oh yeah...that did it!! She is in BIG trouble tonight!


Is that neighbor the one who looks like the chick I posted?
Yes, she is....
You are two lucky women!!! Hope this helps:

[Image: carolyn_monroe_2.jpg]
Do we have to ask permission to fantasize about you and your neighbor? Maybe you can start a thread granting the board such permission.
I love Wise asses..... :loveya:
Is that an ok? I was up all night fantasizing and just when I was gonna rub my shaft, I stopped and said "no. I actually said it out loud, "No!!" I said, "No, cause I don't have permission."
I hope this helps....

E-sex always gets me hot.
A man after my own heart....
Well I hope this cheers you up:

[Image: vannesa_2.jpg]
If I can stab it, then yeah.
[Image: sandra_scream.jpg]
Damn you, Jersey!!!!!!!!!
You love it and you know it!! :-D

[Image: aira_does_lez_5.jpg]
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