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Bring her back for a cameo to add some authenticity to the re-enactment?
im still sick.

kitten i don't have any raspberry jam.

and i dont drink vodka so there goes that wonderful idea.
Mentholatum deep heating rub?
Like Vicks vapor rub or something.....would that help?

*edit - sorry, couldn't remember the name of that shit :disappointed:

Edited By Metalfan on 1035836079
i had a guy sleep over all weekend and i didnt have sex
Well send someone to get the raspberry jam.

Or mix a large portion of butter into warm milk. Add cognac and honey. Sip and get some sleep.

For a cough: rub the throat and chest with butter sprinkled with iodine. Cover with a wool scarf. Then throw away the scarf.

Other than that, I dunno what to tell ya.
anybody up for writing a paper on dead man walking for me? i have to watch it for one of my classes, but since i missed 2 days last week, missed the last hour or so, and the first hour sucked
i really dont like this movie

i think im just gonna go lay on the couch and moan to my mom. heh. im evil when im sick.
Take a hot shower and masturbate. Works everytime. :-D
i tried that yesterday, jack. no help.
ring the bell, so your mom comes in like every three minutes.
Any time I blow my nose, I have to open up the tissue and look what came out of me.

Also, I was at a wedding at a real high-fallootin' hotel in downtown Boston last weekend, and I blew my nose in the linen napkins.
Quote:ring the bell, so your mom comes in like every three minutes.
Hopefully she won't pour in rat poison.

"You know how you always get sick in the afternoon..."
FBD, the movie is atrocious. Just go to IMDB and plagerize.
i dont think imdb will tell me the various "voices" in the movie, which of those challenge society, how society might better respond, and what insight i get about the death penalty. thus, i need one of you to write it...please?

Edited By fbdlingfrg on 1035838482
Death Penalty is good.

Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon are no good anti-American hippies, and they should go eat their soy yogurt, live in trees, and leave the real world to the rest of us.

The end.
stretch that into 2 typed, double spaced pages

how could gunnery sgt. hartman be in such a sucky movie?

Edited By fbdlingfrg on 1035838725
Just use really big font.
Dude the movie is about a guy on death row, do a paper on the death penalty and your feelings on it. What fuckin voices, fuckin nit pickin teachers. Threaten to kill him, works for ikea.
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