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Now... hold on there skippy.

I'm the nice mod. While granting your requests would be being nice to you, it would not be nice to others. I can give you an avatar, but as far as the rest go, I'm gonna have to discuss it with the committee.
Quote:A better question is, where the Hell has ken been?

I hid in shame after FTL posted his thread about what a complete and utter piece of shit I was,
I couldn't pass a mirror without shame for months.
That better Ken? Do you like your new avatar?
Yeth I DO!

The Rainbow

Many colors in the homo rainbow
Don't be afraid to let your colors shine
Many colors in the homo rainbow
Show me yours. I'm gonna show you mine

If you find a pot of gold
Every little thing is gonna work out fine
In the homo rainbow

Many colors in the homo rainbow
You give me shade from black to yellow
Many colors in the homo rainbow
A warm embrace and a kind-a hello

If you find a pot of gold
Every little thing is gonna work out fine
In the homo rainbow

If you find a pot of gold
Every little thing is gonna work out fine
In the homo rainbow
Every single color, every walk of life
In & out changin, every day and night
From the golden shores of Kansas, to the middle of Japan
reach inside your soul and learn your fellow

There are many colors in the homo rainbow
Don't be afraid to let your colors shine
Don't be ashamed of what God made you

Man, Ken is gay AND the women turn him down still :rofl:
Can we keep Ken and send Arpi to
Arpi & Jeff would make a nice couple.
Yes Gooch but then there would be the messy breakup that would lead to Arpi being deleted.
Does this mean Arpi gives Jeff a blowjob????
Quote:FTL in the cell, hmmmmm. I do still have a "Go To the Cell" card to play. :-p

<!-- spoilerKillit --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#000000" size="1">Spoiler (Highlight to Read):</font>
</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><!-- spoilerKillitEnd --><!--txtStart-->Keyser's still #1 on the "go to the cell" list :toast: <!--txtEnd--><!-- spoilerKillit --></td></tr></table><!-- spoilerKillitEnd -->
Quote:and make more women dine with me.

What are we fuckin genies?
Quote:Yes Gooch but then there would be the messy breakup that would lead to Arpi being deleted.
and the down side of this plan is?
He's your neighbor, you would be the only one in immediate danger.
and the problem with that would be?
A new mod vote would too much of a headache.
Would I get her mod powers as runner-up in the last election?
No headaches. Everyone wins!
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