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gonzo wants to make babies with trish

Can I at least have marijuana leafs instead of skulls?
what a tyrant.
Go spill some more tomato sauce on your pants, peasant.
I don't ever remember voting him into power. Do you?

(sorta... Undecided )
d00d cuz ur soooooo hiGH!!!!!
danked can't feel his hands right now he's sooooooo high :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin:
Funny how he doesn't want us bothering Sean and all. And he was just kind of handed the keys to this place and bumped up to Admin.

Awfully strange.
Fuckin junkie would barter our statuses and his mod powers for some crank.
omg i hope sean is ok d00d
Sure, sure. Toss about you lies! You can't hide the truth!!!
Fuckin pot heads and their free sex, you hippies will ruin our great society!!!!
I refuse to further acknowledge you pathetic attempts to sully my good name. I've got nothing to hide, how about you? HUH? HOW ABOUT YOU?

Yeah... Confusedneak:
i liked gonzo's sig better when it had the black box around it
Quote:I don't ever remember voting him into power. Do you?
i do...
did you guys just have me killed off while i wasn't looking? Undecided
pretty much
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