Full Version: My ftp - This may be a mistake....
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well, my download speed on yout ftp is ridiculously slow for some reason.
Dunno....maybe cause there's 4 people logged in downloading right now.
I don't think that's it, it's been like this for a couple of days.
You need to reboot.
i cant even get on the ftp Undecided
wow my queued downloads just started out of nowhere. sweet.
You spoke too soon round eye.
i guess so. i downloaded all the you and i shit overnight. holy crap they're fucking awesome.
Are they? I didn't even listen to them.

I guess I'll have to check it out.
yea You and I is great. My download speeds still suck though Undecided

My IP address changed. So all of you need to change it in your FTP client software. The new IP address is

All other info stays the same.

New feature of the week!
Clutch - Impetus
Dead Kennedys - Chemical Warfare
Mindless Self Indulgence - Faggot
Radiohead - Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Box
Stephen Lynch - Special Olympics
What the fuck are you talking about?

You were just transferring at 700k dickwad.
it now says 84k
Then your connection is fucked up with your wireless shit.

People with cable usually transfer from me at 150-250k. Depends on them I guess.
i usually download at like 22K :-(
Quote:Then your connection is fucked up with your wireless shit.
is not
i get like 700k when i dl from there. go me

goatweed upped some good old iron maiden!
it was supposed to be a surprise - there rest is going up now.

I've also got a live boot from the BNW tour, but I haven't listened to it yet. If it sounds good, I'll upload it.
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