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Was in the mood to upload something, but I have yet to rip the little pile I have set aside for Maynard at home so I'll give ya what I have here on my work PC.

Currently uploading the Grateful Dead with Branford Marsalis and his X-Men from 12/31/90. Enjoy. :firebounce:
Damn...I remember that tour.
I don't. I was only 10.

You're so old.
You were 10??

I was a Sophmore in HS. :disappointed:
I was in 4th grade. It was so cool. A bunch of us sat around during homeroom and designed all these levels and characters to make this awesome video game we were going to pitch to Nintendo. They never responded. :-(
i had been out of HS for a year! i remember they played on september 20th at the meadowlands and i wanted to go but never got tix. the reason why i had to go that day was because it was my b-day
Wow...that's a great story Danked.

Were you :fuggin: when you guys came up with the idea?
I did not know the wonders of marijuana back then. Just the glory that was Super Mario Bros. 3. We were totally ripping it off.
this convo just reminded me of an article that i read a couple of days ago concerning some 9 year olds in florida that got busted with a few bags o' weed. they got busted on school property so they're up the creek without a paddle.
Mario 3 was the best game ever man. Gettin all the animal suits. The frog was my favorite.
Yeah, the frog was cool. But what the fuck was with the lame one that turned you into a statue?
you i gotta dig out my old SNES and play that game.

[Image: smb3_gray_hammer_mario.gif]
Ooooooooooo. The Hammer Bros. suit!!!
Wasn't it the bear that turned into stone?
I dunno. I think you had the racoon tail and ears to fly and what looked like a full body racoon suit was the one that tuned you into a statue. wasn't a full body racoon, it was a bear. I'm almost positive.

Damn....where's Magus when you need him!
Oooooooo. There's a 20 minute Dark Star in there. Confusedmokey:

First set is there, halfway through the second, then I'll set up the opening set by Branford and his boys to upload when I leave.
My IP address changed again.

sorry about this guys. there anyone else who wants a login that doesnt have one?

Edited By Maynard on 1039923618
why the Hell are you home and not at the show seeing clutch?
uhh...isn't the address given to you by your router?
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