Full Version: What's the worst cd you own? - John tesh, green jelly, dj cool nutz?
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I never opened the Vos CD either. It's never been listened to.

ugly kid joe-as ugly as they wanna be
The Dude of Life. :crackhead:

Tricia knows.
I have that free CD that they give out from American Eagle. That's probably my worst one.
WHy only Tricia? I want to know too
Quote:The Dude of Life.
Ha ha. That was mine and it sucked, so naturally I thought to give it to you. :lol:
rick springfield- the "hard to hold" soundtrack. i was in a bad place when i bought it. Undecided
I like Ugly Kid Joe. :clueless:

OK....not really. I just like that one song.
That's not an excuse
i "inherited" chunk a (aresnio hall's rap bit) from a college roommate. the bastard left in in my stuff, and i only found out when i unpacked that box two years later. it's gone, now, though.
rusted root and squirrel nut zippers :crackhead:
Quote:The Dude of Life.

Tricia knows.
:thumbs-up: :rofl:

Is that not just the shittiest thing ever?
i like all my cd's. :thumbs-up:
Someone gave me the "rusted root" album, and to this day, I have not played it.
i like rusted root Undecided
I liked Rusted Root. Not so much anymore. Saw a bunch of their live shows and they were good, but the more I went the more I realized it was always the same show.
i like the murderdolls Undecided
nov 16 at birch hill :bouncer:
you really should commit suicide. the murderdolls are the suckiest band that ever sucked.
well if you say so :thumbs-up:
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