Full Version: What's the worst cd you own? - John tesh, green jelly, dj cool nutz?
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I say so as well. they are the worst band ever...besides Dope that is.
honestly. im not just saying this because you like them or anything (SLIPKNOT LOL...) whatever. i listened to like 5 songs off the cd and i was laughing at how horrible it was. i'm sorry, it's just bad music.
Quote:I liked Rusted Root. Not so much anymore. Saw a bunch of their live shows and they were good, but the more I went the more I realized it was always the same show.

The CD that starts off with all the drums is super-duper super. I dig it!

I bought Hanson's first album...I donated it to the Salvation Army
hanson had more than one album? :clueless:
Thats what I hear...I also bought the CD with that song Barbie World ( I can't even remember the bands name) niece wanted it...
Everclear: Sparkle and Fade
I bought it thinking it was Everlast for some wacky reason.
I listen to the cd once i think.
Quote:I listen to the cd once i think.

Was it even opened?
yeah i listened too it once so it had to be opened.
Quote:Barbie World ( I can't even remember the bands name)...
aqua i have that cd, but it's not my worst
Quote:The CD that starts off with all the drums is super-duper super. I dig it!
It actually is. Then they released one called "Remember" that was eh.
Everclear: Sparkle and Fade

Great fucking CD. Of course, as a Portland resident, I'm legally obligated to like Everclear.
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