Full Version: Do you vote; do you care? - Attempt at a semi-serious topic
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You know the problems in Florida

That's Jack's fault
If you don't like the candidates, just fill in "None of the Above"
Silent majority doesn't get what it wants; they leave it for the vocal minorities to dictate policy.

This is true. I just simply do not have the means to make it to the place where I am a registered voter. It just ain't gonna happen. The roads are shit and it takes me 25 minutes on good roads to get from work to class. It's not that I just don't want to vote, I can't. I had to be to work at 7 this morning... When the polls open.. I get out of class at 10... When the polls close.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not looking to preach. If I didn't work at a job that I can get to late I might not have voted - especially in this mid-term election.

Voting gets its own sub-cultures. For example, if you belong to a union, they always tell you who they want you to vote for. Again though, it is effective.
if anyone lives in Kenilworth Pete Corvellli for Councilman
that's my boy
I always vote. Voted when the polls opened at 7. I was number 3. Voted straight Democrat. The Republicans have totaly f'd up PA over the last several years so let's see if the Dems can do any better. Plus I want Dubya to get a message with a shift to Democratic control in the house. When he started saying it is Americans loyal responsibility to vote and to vote Republican, that's when I decided to vote a straight Dem ticket. T o suggest a Democrat is not a loyal American pissed me off. Never voted strictly party before this election.
Quote:To suggest a Democrat is not a loyal American pissed me off.

this is the kinda crap that always annoys me. A certain person at another place constantly spouted that crap.
I hate it when they say "liberal" as if it is a curse. Not that all liberals are wonderful - far from it. It is just when they throw around those buzzwords it shows we're not to far removed from what happend in Germany.

Speaking of which, where is Gonzo?
Oregon's got this wonderful thing called Vote-by-Mail. Turnout's never been higher. That being said, I forgot to re-register when I moved, so I will not be voting.
Quote:If you don't vote, you can't complain

EXcellent sentiment, PD xlent topic/opening post. "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." I have voted every year I could and hope never to miss a year. (Did ya know, they give ya a good attendence award when you die!) I'm a registered Independent, though obviously I vote mainly Democrat/Green Party. But the right is so often taken for granted; I encourage everybody to exercise this privilidge today.
I never vote for a party, never have, never will...There are bad apples everywhere.
I was going to vote for Forrester cause he seemed like a regular guy who worked his way up and has some good strong stands on immigration, cutting our taxes, trying to fix social security, etc... but i'm going to throw my vote to some new blood. I'm voting Glick cause I support many of the Green Party's platforms such as reform of the IRS, reform of how people qualify for election, and with America being the number one polluter in the world we need a party representing enviormental issues to end our dubious distinction.
voting is for squares!
To say you can't vote because you are too busy is a poor excuse. Not saying your schedules aren't busy, it just is an excuse. You could have planned to vote via absentee ballot (you don't need to be away to use this option) however you must plan that in advance. The other option you have is leaving work to vote. By law, your employer must allow you time away from the job to vote if you request it. You may not get paid for the time away from the job, but if you match it up with a lunch break or can work something out to make up the time, it won't be that bad financially. Your employer may even give you 30 minutes to an hour paid to go vote. At least you can ask.
Quote:When he started saying it is Americans loyal responsibility to vote and to vote Republican, that's when I decided to vote a straight Dem ticket.

When Rick Kahn, Tom Daschle, and the rest of the Democrats told Republicans to drop out of all races and told everyone to vote Democrat in the memory of Paul Wellstone , at his memorial service no less, and then led everyone in a cheer "WE WILL WIN", that's when I decided to vote all Conservative....
The Jays, it doesn't matter, on a national level mostly the Dems and Repubs are the same entity.
well, if we can bomb Iraq sooner and get tax cuts quicker, the happier I'll be...
Quote:To say you can't vote because you are too busy is a poor excuse. Not saying your schedules aren't busy, it just is an excuse. You could have planned to vote via absentee ballot (you don't need to be away to use this option) however you must plan that in advance. The other option you have is leaving work to vote. By law, your employer must allow you time away from the job to vote if you request it. You may not get paid for the time away from the job, but if you match it up with a lunch break or can work something out to make up the time, it won't be that bad financially. Your employer may even give you 30 minutes to an hour paid to go vote. At least you can ask

Yes.. they will give me a half hour unpaid to go and vote. However, home is 30 miles away. On shitty roads that's an hour 1 way drive. Plus half hour to wait in line and vote. 2 1/2 hours I don't have. This is not an excuse. It is a fact.
yea yea terrorist
... vote absentee when you go to school....
I am not voting cause I don't care
Quote:I am not voting cause I don't care
keep raging against the machine
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