Full Version: Good but cheap bars in nyc? - Some one help me out please....
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$4 for beer is me.
He's from Portland, naturally everything is cheaper outside of NY.

Quote:me and my friends who are f'ing.

Sounds like you need a hotel, not a bar.
Quote:Sounds like you need a hotel, not a bar.

They need a hotel, not me. I was hoping others would come out so I wouldn't have to watch them mate all night.
If you've never been there, you should definitely stop by McSorleys.
It is one of the oldest pubs in NY - rumor has it that Abe Lincoln stopped there after addressing Cooper Union, and it hasn't been cleaned since. (but that's a good thing)

As Cluster F said:
Quote:and it is still the shizznit!!! I love that place
Here's the Pubcrawler review Pubcrawler review of McSorley's

Oh and women weren't allowed in until a Court order in 1970, and there wasn't a ladies bathroom until the 1990's.
The choice of beers is McSorely's light, and McSorely's dark, and you have to order them in two's.

Edited By PeterDragon on 1036809510
Thanks for the link....but it looks like I'll check that place out when I have a bit more cash...the stuff they have there sounds really cool.
Quote:Thanks for the link....but it looks like I'll check that place out when I have a bit more cash...the stuff they have there sounds really cool.
I haven't been there in a while, but it wasn't expensive - it is just really easy to order 70 beers.
As the review in Epinions put it, it is under $20
Epinions review of McSorley's
At night it has a frat house atmosphere, but the owner would kick everyone out at midnight so that he could go home. Definitely worth at least stopping by, even if you don't stay long...

Edited By PeterDragon on 1036811342
I don't even drink beer :clueless: One of the reviews on the site said that they spent $400 between like 6 people, that sure scared me. There's a place by my job that closes at midnight as well, the owner is one of the sweetest men alive...
Ah, but this isn't beer....It's nectar of the gods. :-D

I wish I had an exact price - it is something like 2 for $5
And after all, it is in the east village, within walking distance of all sorts of other good stuff
(like the Pink Pussycat. :-o )
Quote:And after all, it is in the east village, within walking distance of all sorts of other good stuff
(like the Pink Pussycat. :-o )

Pink Pussycat is bad when you're the third wheel Undecided Hopefully before tomorrow night I'll find someone to come out and play.... :thumbs-up:
deacon brodies 46th between 8th and 9th
1. pink pussy cat sucks, there's much better places on the same street
Quote:Review of every bar in Manhattan
i found where i work, and i got a 5.6 for service :thumbs-up:
I am looking at the Empire St. Building right now.

I am hanged over.

Beer in NYC is expensive but it's cool that they are open until 4, and you can smoke weed on the street and no one cares.
Another great place is Brother Jimmy's Bait Shack uptown.

Check it out at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> - I recommend the trashcan punch.

Brother Jimmy's Bait Shack
Rodeo Bar's food is SO bad...UGHH I hate you....
Quote:I'm sorry, but $4 for a bottle of Coors Light? Not on my worst day.
don't drink Coor Light then, dipshit Confuseduicide:
maight as well get a fricking water instead
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

theres some good bars on there ......

my suggestions : Red Rock West, Village Idiot, Who's On First
Pabst? - Ladi has just told me that she is from a trailer in Southern Tier New York (Jamestown)

McSorelys - I thought you had to buy them in 10s

and, help me out here, there is a bar under the Brooklyn Bridge that sells $6.50 32 cups of beer. Everyone I work with knows it's name, but I'm not in Manhattan today.
Quote:Pabst? - Ladi has just told me that she is from a trailer in Southern Tier New York (Jamestown)
where were you the last ... year, dude Confuseduicide: Rolleyes
Quote:don't drink Coor Light then, dipshit
maight as well get a fricking water instead
Ooooh, you got me on that one, except that THAT WAS MY WHOLE FUCKING POINT!
Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide: Confuseduicide:
oooooh, I thought you liked it :thumbs-up: my bad

Why would you worry what price it is then? :clueless:
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