Full Version: Good but cheap bars in nyc? - Some one help me out please....
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Quote:Pabst? - Ladi has just told me that she is from a trailer in Southern Tier New York (Jamestown)
Hey, coulda been worse choice - FX Matts, gennesee cream ale, etc.

Quote:McSorelys - I thought you had to buy them in 10s
Well that's the way we order them....along with the Cheese/crackers/hot mustard platter....

I was in McSorely's once, and they mentioned they were 2 for (whatever it was then). My friend ordered 2, and the guy came back with 4 - when you ordered, they doubled whatever you said :toast:

I'm not old enough to have gone when they didn't allow women, but I was there when there wasn't a ladies room. Whenever a woman had to go to the bathroom, someone had to stand watch, and the whole bar made comments.
They put a fucking ladies bathroom in there? What is the world coming too? I should have gone there this weekend when I was down in the city.
Quote:Whenever a woman had to go to the bathroom, someone had to stand watch, and the whole bar made comments.
good thing i can't go there anyway...

and they have pabst at village idiot, or at least they did when i was there a couple years ago :thumbs-up:
Quote:and, help me out here, there is a bar under the Brooklyn Bridge that sells $6.50 32 cups of beer. Everyone I work with knows it's name, but I'm not in Manhattan today.

:loveya: Jeremy's....I LOVE that place.
Quote:good thing i can't go there anyway...

why? is that bar on some sort of list ?? :-p

anyways....yeah Village Idiot has Pabst for like $1.75 or something like that....Moron would know
PBR rocks, but it's not as good as Rolling Rock

In Arizona, I paid $2 for the Rock, $3 shots and $1.75 bloody Marys (and $10 spacecakes :fuggin: )...can't beat that! :toast:
Applebees in Times Square. 1 dollar Buds 11 am to 7 pm. I shit you not.
yeah but its fucking applebees
Quote:yeah but its fucking applebees

True. The title did say "Good" but cheap bars. It is cheap, but it ain't good. I withdraw my suggestion.
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