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people still buy music?
Arpikarhu Wrote:people still buy music?

I just got:

Queen of the damned
In my mailbox waiting when I get home should be-

Mississippi Sludge: Biscuits and Slavery
Shovelhead: Self Titled
Fireball Ministry: Ou est la Rock?
Thumlock: Lunar Mountain Sunrise
The new Dream Theater has yet to leave my cd player.
Quote:Thumlock: Lunar Mountain Sunrise
Thumlock is a kick ass name for a band. NICE!
:thumbs-up: Hey Capn! Good to have ya here :fuggin:

I dunno, I have to listen to it again, but I really wasn't diggin disk 2 as much as 1 which is excellent ...a couple of the songs were kinda cheesy...

And may, it definitely is a cool name, good band, got it because of a recommendation...heavy, bluesy, psychadelic with a little progressive rock thrown in...just my type of music

Edited By Spitfire on Feb. 28 2002 at 5:01
It's good to be here Spit...I like disc 2...I'm a sucker for concept albums, although I like the Petrucci lyrics better than the Portnoy lyrics. I'm also digging Myung's new bass sound . :fuggin:
Quote:I just got:

Queen of the damned
AHEM..**taps foot** do I get any CREDIT HERE????
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:I just got:

Queen of the damned
AHEM..**taps foot** do I get any CREDIT HERE????
NO. Now quit your whining.
Quote:NO. Now quit your whining.

I don't SEEM to recall that comment was directed to you..BUT..if you insist that I'm whining, then what do you call that thing you do when you don't get yer daily assgrab from Gonzy?
I do that same thing that you do when people ignore you on AIM. I whine. :p
Quote:I do that same thing that you do when people ignore you on AIM.

eww u just ADMITTED u like Gonzy's man hands on your ASS hehe

As for the AIM thing..only bug those who bug ME Wink
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:I do that same thing that you do when people ignore you on AIM.

eww u just ADMITTED u like Gonzy's man hands on your ASS hehe

As for the AIM thing..only bug those who bug ME Wink
Who wouldnt like Gonzy's hands on their ass?

damn sure glad I don't IM you then. That could get annoying. Oi!
Quote:damn sure glad I don't IM you then. That could get annoying. Oi!

Oh then who's the dipshit that claims he's maymay everyday..must be some other tool that acts like he's GOD **TOUCHE**
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:damn sure glad I don't IM you then. That could get annoying. Oi!

Oh then who's the dipshit that claims he's maymay everyday..must be some other tool that acts like he's GOD **TOUCHE**
WEll it must be then. I] don't claim to be anyone. It's everyone else calling me "MayMay" or "God".
Quote:It's everyone else calling me "MayMay" or "God".

aww feels good to dream of people calling you God huh Smile
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:It's everyone else calling me "MayMay" or "God".

aww feels good to dream of people calling you God huh Smile
The only dreams about god that I have are the ones where I'm screaming "GOD NO!!!" because you keep up with the annoying bullshit that you've been terrorizing me with.
Quote:you keep up with the annoying bullshit that you've been terrorizing me with.

Scary..the old Gonzy's manjuice has gotten to you..sounding more and more like him... :lol:
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:you keep up with the annoying bullshit that you've been terrorizing me with.

Scary..the old Gonzy's manjuice has gotten to you..sounding more and more like him... :lol:
Well I can't help it. I wanna be like him. He's a good kisser.
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