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ok, now i'm horny :loveya:
Hi :lookatme:
hi :loveya:
[Image: Eminem_107.jpg]
Quote:Tricia's Bitch

:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:

I just noticed that
what is with all this horniness here? i can't believe it!

Edited By Skitchr4u on 1037109815
why is that surprising? :damnpc: no one here ever goes out ;-)
Quote:i think i need to make a phone call...
Me too.....
Shouldn't you be expecting a call and not making one?
Yeah, but I didn't want to say that. :-p
I'm not horny now, but I might be later tonight.
Quote:Yeah, but I didn't want to say that.
stop trying to get out of it, we know it is 1-900-Hot-Dogs :poke:
I thought he was gonna call Arpi. :clueless:
Phone sex with Arpi is boring.
Quote:Tricia's Bitch
Ohh...could my status say "Tricia IS a bitch"?
nah, i like your status as it is.
I should have changed your status to something not flattering when I had the power. :-(
Hi Tricia :loveya: Feel better today?
no, not really :-(

but at least i'm not working
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