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Me either. I am at work :-( .
that sucks. i didn't get my steamy shower last night :disappointed:
Mine ran out of hot water way too fast. I think I should buy a new water heater.
i just didn't really have any really hot water. i guess i need to use more during the day so it refills.

i'm bored :poke:
hi, i appologize for my earlier comments, i too am horny
looks like there's gonna be alot of busy handz tonight
idle hands are the works of the devil. :burnfucker:
i would love to show you my hands vg...oh wait, that sounded like nerdo, sorry. forget i said anything
i'm not so horny anymore :thumbs-up: ;-)
[Image: godkills.jpg]
i didn't masturbate
she showed her cat that picture and was like "you know what you have to do"
Quote:Thats because he's young, you need an older man who knows how to make your body convulse with passion
Umm excuse Miss Polly Purbread. I believe I said quiver and refered to muscle contractions. My women do not convulse. Confusedneak: Please!
Quote:My women do not convulse.

They recoil in terror?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i was kinda horny when i woke up so i started my mid-afternoon stroke, than the landlord started banging on my door so i lost all horniness. but much to my surprise he informed me that a "little asain girl" has just moved in upstairs. horniness has returned. I think i will go meet the new neighbor :fucking:
mmmm....little asian girls.....

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