Full Version: Sofa King Tired
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naga..naga....nagonnaworkhereanymore anyway...hahahaha
hi,Iusedtobe Rolleyes addictedtocrack,nowi'mselling Rolleyes magazinesubscriptions Rolleyes
Excuse me, Senor? I ordered a mai tai, and they gave me a pina colada. And I said no salt, NO SALT, on my margarita, but they put salt on it.

Edited By criticslovesnatch on 1037330889
hey! put on channel 9!
what am i gonna do with 40 subscriptions to Vibe?
What do you think of someone who only does the bare minimum?
Oh, I wouldn't say I miss it, Bob.
yeah, I really don't like to talk about my flair

:-o I love Kung Fu
It was a jump to conclusions mat. See you write down different conclusions and you jump to them.
It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.
I did not receive my paycheck this week.
OK, But that's the last straw.
.... and he decides he wants to live. Then, as he is backing out of the driveway, he gets hit by another car.
-Every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me... that's on the worst day of my life.

-What about today? Is this the worst day of your life?


-Whoa. That's messed up.
Well, Lumburgh fucked her.
We're not going to some white collar resort prison. No, no, no - We're going to federal pound me in the ass prison.
You are a very bad man.

(Shades of Babu Bot! :lol: )
if you had a million bucks, what would you do with it?

2 girls at once.
Watch out for your cornhole buddy.
What would you say you do here?
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