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Quote:So let's just confirm what we have so far in terms of who the old farts are around here, just in case you forgot...

OAS > dirt > Sweet Angel > Maynard > Danked > Hybrid

Look! Sweet Angel is closer to OAS than she is to Hybrid! Anyone else?
Fine!!! Exclude me!!! Be that way!! PFFFFFFT!!! Confusedneak:
Quote:Fine!!! Exclude me!!! Be that way!! PFFFFFFT!!!
Quote:OAS > dirt > Luna > Sweet Angel > Maynard > Danked > Hybrid

Look! (edited) Luna is closer to OAS than she is to Hybrid! Anyone else?

Feel better? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have a happy T-day Luna (from me and the turkey)!
:loveya: Thanks, Sweet Angel!

Happy Turkey day to you and your Turkey, too. ;-)
i saw nirvana. i think it was fall of 93. and i fit in between maynard and danked, closer to maynard though. i can't believe danked was born in the 80's :-o
throw me on at the end
and then me right after him
Quote:i can't believe danked was born in the 80's
Holy shit! I was in high school at that time! :-o

Buncha whipper snappers!!!! :-p
Quote:Buncha whipper snappers!!!!:-p
luna, i'm not too far behind you!!
OAS > dirt > Luna > Sweet Angel > Maynard > CRX Girl > Danked > Hybrid >fbdlingfrg > Quickstop
I'm between Danked and Hybrid
OAS > dirt > Luna > Sweet Angel > Maynard > CRX Girl > Stonehenge > Danked > The Sleeper > Hybrid > fbdlingfrg > Quickstop

Edited By Danked on 1038539256
Wouldn't it be easier to just do a list running down, instead of sideways?
Maybe that's the way you did things before they discovered fire, but this here is modern times, baby.
I'm gonna be 31 in Feb - is that old far material?
Hey, we had fire when I was a kid. Granted, towards the end of my teen years, but still...
Quote:CRX Girl > Stonehenge
hey now 80's boy. let's not be excessive, shall we :angry:
haha oldy mcagesalot
Quote:I'm between Danked and Hybrid
i'm so hard right now
you WOULD be
i'm livin live to the xtreme brah
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