Full Version: Fun with Percoset - what's a girl to do?
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hey......... i'm dinking my bourbon by myself
I'm not really in the mood for alcohol. Plus, if any emergency should arise, I have to be able to drive. I'll just drink my water. :-(
if done in moderation you'll be fine!

drink up :thumbs-up:
Nah, just not in the mood I guess.

Edited By Sweet Angel on 1038661155
yea...come on woman spill the beans!
Nah, not in the mood.
We'll be your best friends!
Trust me, it's nothing exciting. Just learned a lesson, that's all. No injuries, deaths, fines, tickets, arrests...nothing juicy.
So how did you learn the lesson if it wasn't really taught? I'm confused.... Undecided
Quote:don't forget FNMORON. he'd be on the left also!
well, not if SweetAngel graduated in 1984... if that's the case then i'm still on the right :fuggin:
Quote:So how did you learn the lesson if it wasn't really taught?
Short version -- I got no injuries, tickets, fines, arrests -- not gonna tempt fate twice.

Quote:not if SweetAngel graduated in 1984
Alas, I did.
'89 :lol:
94 :rofl:
Ah hush.
these young 'uns!!!!!!

got no respect i tell ya!!
Whippersnappers Confusedneak:
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