Full Version: The transit strike - Let's discuss
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You'd be better off chauffering drug dealers around, they'd pay you off in product. You know, like a barter type thing, like a monkey working for bananas.
As much as it sucks that they're striking, one of the reasons they're doing it is to help commuters. The MTA wants to raise the fare up to $2. I don't commute to the city so I'm ok there, but this will interfere with my drinking. I drive into the city a few times a week to hang out. I guess I am going to need to recruit more people to go with me so I can get 4 people in the car.
George is so happy you said that.
This is fucking bullshit.
Quote:This is fucking bullshit.

<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>*** MEDIA ALERT!!! ***</span></marquee>

Today IrishAlkey shocked all message board users by spelling the word "fuck" correctly.

<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>*** MEDIA ALERT!!! ***</span></marquee>
Quote:You'd be better off chauffering drug dealers around, they'd pay you off in product. You know, like a barter type thing, like a monkey working for bananas.
but I already have access to bananas, what I actually need is more monkeys. Just not on my back.
TFEC would have a field day with that monkey comment.
if the strike goes through, i might as well just move into a homeless shelter right now
no you should resort to prostitution. They get free hotel rooms.
So far Alkey has summarized the situation best. It IS bullshit. I'm a union man myself, so I know the power a strike can hold. But my union(Local 780 cement finishers) has a strong sense of morals and family values. We would never try and bring the city to a halt and ruin many peoples holidays, plus put us at a severe terrorism risk at the worst possible time, just to get our point across. What we WOULD do (An have, for that matter) Is try and cripple the construction Industry Itself. It affects no one but those In our line of work, and Is legal. What the MTA Is planning Is Illegal, and they'll end up screwing themselves in the long run.
In the meantime, I'm going to be stuck on Long Island till the strike ends. Can It get any worse?
Quote:no you should resort to prostitution. They get free hotel rooms.

Ahh the irony. :lol:
yeah, i couldn't think of anything to say in response there....
I've mentioned before that I work in midtown. The company issued their official statement yesterday. Here is a summary.....ahem....

"We don't give a fuck HOW you get to long as you get here"

Thank you......the Management.

Nice, huh?
I do not think there will be a strike. I think the union will cave. The reason why I said this is my boss lives downtown and she takes the bus. The driver said that they will most likely be working Monday, but things will be much slower.

These people don't make that much money and Bloomberg and Pataki will do whatever it takes not to let these fuckers get away with this. I take jersey transit so it has little to no effect on me. The only thing might be people who drive in will probably take the bus now, thus overcrowding buses.
Just to show you mature the sides are being, the best quote in the world was said today by the head of the union about bloomberg, "Mayor Bloomberg should just shut up." Great, Now bloombergs gonna say how his dad can beat up there dad.
Quote:"Mayor Bloomberg should just shut up." Great, Now bloombergs gonna say how his dad can beat up there dad.

Than toussaint can say I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
Union: We want an 8% raise!
City: No. We have no money.

Union: OK, We want a 6% raise!
City: Great! You compromised. But, no. We have no money.

> How is striking going to help commuters? By causing a Fare increase? Fuckers should feel happy that they have a job and are required to shower.

>>> Fucking crazy woman on the train was wishing everyone a "I love you, Merry Christmas, Be nice to everyone". Made me wish that a Paley would make it over here and blow up the train I was on, but then I realized that a strike was coming and I would be riding with crazy people next week and I was glad.
Guiliani knew how to handle these ingrates that's why you need a wop in office, the old "things can happen" excuse woulda had them bastards behind the wheel like clockwork.
Quote:put us at a severe terrorism risk
Please explain, I don't follow. I assume they'll have extra cops out to make sure that every simngle car actually has 4 ppl at every city enterance, seems to me like thinngs may actually be safer. (But do they really have the police manpower to do that?)
I heard when Toussaint said that about Bloomberg and thought he followed it up with an excellent point about how the mayor is quick to make unimformed public statements without involving himself in the negotiations. He is not helping, only making it worse for both sides.
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