Full Version: The transit strike - Let's discuss
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I don't know if this has to do with the strike or not, but when I went out a bit ago to grab lunch, there were like 100 or so cops lining up at the South Street Seaport near where the ferries are.
OK, so I was in a bar last night watching the strike countdown like it was New Years. Of course the clock froze at 3:20 (which is 4:20 in another time zone), forcing me to smoke and booze it up. Now that I have entered the waking world, I'm glad the negotiations are looking positive.
Man....even I dont go to bars on a monday...need at least one day to sober up :toast:
What is this thing sober you speak of?
Am I the only geek anxiously awaiting the 7:00 press conference? I have no life. I need to get out more. Oh wait, no I don't.
they're interupting my jeopardy for this press conference
no strike. who could have seen that coming? puh-leaze! anyone who thought there was actually going to be a strike is a dolt.
Quote:Am I the only geek anxiously awaiting the 7:00 press conference?

Quote:they're interupting my jeopardy for this press conference

....looks like the other geeks don't care....
No strike, good. Now shut the fuck up and go back to regular programing.
fbdlingfrg, I usally catch Jeopardy at 6:00 on channel 55, I think it's a LI station. Same episode, then when it comes on at 7 you can look really smart cuz you know every question.
No strike, now what will I waste my time worrying about? Anything else exiciting in the news lately?
Quote:forcing me to smoke and booze it up.

That's like forcing arpi to take advantage of an OAS post about how he is sexually virile.
Quote:That's like forcing arpi to take advantage of an OAS post about how he is sexually virile.
you ok? seems like you may have cramped getting this one out.
I never do, it was just the best metaphor I could think up that everyone would get.
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