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I never got the appeal of tomato soup, who the fuck eats that?
I don't understand it, is it just plain old tomatos? Or does something else go into it? I don't get the appeal of eating tomato in soup form.
sometimes it comes with rice in it.
mmmm tomatoe rice soup
tomatoe soup with crushed Ritz crackers is heaven in a bowl.
I like Progresso Soups - reconstituted soup sucks. Ever have Cream of Mushroom soup? Now matter how much you stir, you never get the lumps out.
Matzho ball soup is the shiz nizzle.
I've been enjoying Lobster Bisque recently - the cafeteria here cooks it up nice.
Quote:I don't understand it, is it just plain old tomatos? Or does something else go into it? I don't get the appeal of eating tomato in soup form.
it's not just chopped up tomato ... that's crushed tomatoes in the sauce isle.

the soup is more of a .... tomato blended w/milk, no lumps no seeds
Tomato and milk, mmm my mouth is watering now.
Quote:I don't understand it, is it just plain old tomatos? Or does something else go into it? I don't get the appeal of eating tomato in soup form.

Quote:dip the sandwhich in the soup and its a festival of joy in your mouth.

That's why most people I know enjoy it, they don't just eat the soup, they usually use it for dunking.
I had tomato soup for dinner, w/cheese-its & sour cream :bouncer:
Quote:its a festival of joy in your mouth.

So many possibilities I can't choose one.
now I have gingerbread cookies

(thanks you) :thumbs-up:
tomato soup is the best, it's the only kind i really eat regularly. my favourite is the campbells tomato bisque, yummy. but arpi's got it all wrong, you don't dip tuna in it, it's all about the grilled cheese :thumbs-up:

oh, and i had tuna salad on rye toast with lettuce and tomato for lunch. it looks like it'll be the last meal i have at work since they've decided that we now have to pay for any food we eat. their justification is that we get a 50% discount. they see my checks, they know i can't afford to be paying 3.50 for a grilled cheese. it's ridiculous, but i'm holding them responsible when i faint fall down the stairs and break my neck because i'm working a double on no food...
I thought some one would have mentioned it already :bouncer: that's my vote
Much better than tuna, swanson makes white meat chicken In a can. You make your own chicken salad. Some celery and tomato In It, and You're ready to party.
mmmmm.... gingerbread..... :gurgle: :drool:
There is only one tomato soup, Progresso Creamy Tomato... with a handful of saltines, its a soupy oral orgasm.

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