Full Version: tuna fish on toast and tomato soup
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me thinx today is a good soup day
my choices
Adobo Pork & White Bean Chili
NE Clam Chowder
though i don't consider chili soup
i think it's worth a shot

...and some steak fries
good post-wrong place
I found free food at work ...

backed ziti, eggplant parmasan & breaded chicken & mushrooms :banana:

very good :thumbs-up: oh, and a cream soda
Did you steal someone's lunch out of the office fridge?
whew!!! ladi, i thought my typos were bad. :rofl:
I'm eating white tuna sushi. :thumbs-up:
I had an italian hot dog with fries and peppers on it.
i was gonna go out for sushi but since the fucking DEEK plumber still hasn't called or shown up. i made my miso soup with sea/kosher/margarita salt(not the moon salt) and i also made myself some eel and avocado rolls. i gotta get some japanese ceramic knives to cut the rolls. my henkells just aint cuttin' it ;-)
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