Full Version: Year End Award Series - Album of the year 2002
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every time a plane crashes we have a new favorite album lolololol
Did you pick two on 9/11?
I haven't heard the whole coldplay album but I liked what I have heard. Another really good album that came out in the vein of Coldplay was Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights. Definetly worth checking out.
The opening track to the coldplay album is simply amazing, 'politik'. That song alone is worthy of them winning album of the year.
coldplay is great.
I'm surprised neither one of you mentioned WK.
queens of the stone age- songs for the deaf
wk came out in 2001 i think
Quote:queens of the stone age- songs for the deaf
i still haven't heard that, I'm a loser.

Edited By The Sleeper on 1040192176
Maynard tainted QOTSA for me.
yea he definetly overhypes them, but they are a really good band.
I loved the album, dunno why I forgot it.
Agalloch-the Mantle

This band just defies description in one category.

Honorable Mentions:
of those, the Taking Back Sunday album, hands down.

Best album of the year: Coheed & Cambria - Second Stage Turbine Blade
thats a song not an album, duuuuuuuuhhhh
five stories falling isn't an album either.
he's gotcha there d00d
bastard. I took it to mean "releases"
its one new song. one song an album does not make.
read above post
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