Full Version: Year End Award Series - Album of the year 2002
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Quote:its one new song. one song an album does not make.

Ahem. I beg to differ.
still great
AM, you are so metal when it rains you rust!
Nah, irish folk music is my true passion.
i understand. one new song doesn't make it a release worth of the best of the year either.
Quote:i understand. one new song doesn't make it a release worth of the best of the year either.
i disagree, that 1 song plus the 4 live tracks was better than most of the shit I've heard this year. I also included the daughters 7" even thought it was a little over 4 minutes long for the same reasons. quality not quantity.
ok...makes sense.

My top 5 btw...

Coheed & Cambria - Second Stage Turbine Blade
Finch - What it is to Burn
Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends
No Use for a Name - Hard Rock Bottom
Dave Matthews Band - Busted Stuff
I was torn, while Eminem seems like the obvious choice for putting out not only one but arguably two classic albums this year....Nas should NOT be on there, at least not with that album since it came out last year, but I might vote for God's Son, Nas is simply at the top of his game at the moment and consistently puts out classics....

In the end I gave it to Em, simply because I felt it was not only the best album of the year, but also the one that made the most impact overall....It made Eminem the biggest star on the planet.
ani d- so much shouting, so much laughter.

but i think im the only one around here who has this cd. Undecided
i like music! [Image: estrella.gif]
Stillmatic came out this year, in my opinion it is better than gods son which is also a good album.
Stillmatic came out December of last year, Illmatic to Stillmatic, Lost Tapes and God's Son came out this year. Click the link, scroll down and look at Original release date.

Stillmatic release date
bah december qualifies for this year, poo on you negative nancy.
Cry me a river little boy.

Either way in the span of 12 months Nas released 4 cds, that's fucking sick
stillmatic was still the best of the crop.
Who voted for Nas btw?
I voted for eminem so you got me, the only other rap fan I can think of is Pat Cooper so I gotta go with him.
Quote:but i think im the only one around here who has this cd.
AHEM! Excuse me?

A few more notables....

ISIS - Oceanic
Melvins - Hostile Ambient Takeover

Of the albums listed though, I'd have to go with Sigur Ros, or Eminem.
Counting Crows - Hard Candy
CKy - Infiltrate.Destroy.Rebuild
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