Full Version: I'm having a problem eating my soup
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Pasta e fagioli
And you threw it out!?!?

Guess you couldn't really sip the pasta through the straw.
Sorry forgot your [i'm serious][/i'm serious] tags :thumbs-up:

Stick with the matzoh ball soup Maynard.....its not chunky like that other shit
mmmmm matzoh ball soup.....

i think i may need that for dinner tonight. :thumbs-up: What can I say, my belly's jewish I guess.
Oh, I wasn't being serious when I said I was being serious. My apologies.
that sig is phat.
EDIT: The one with Trey in the mirror. Of course now he changed it.

Edited By Suzie on 1040245951
Put your thingie in a rubberband Smile
That's what I said... gumbands!
I said it first!!! :-p
Like chris jericho only not, or try drinking your soup instead of eating it with a spoon. Seriously though how the fuck does your beard get into the bowl? Sit up straight your posture sucks or you look like rumplestiltskin.
I think it gets in the soup cause I lean over the bowl when I eat soup.
Sit up straight or drink the soup.
but if i sit up straight, then it will just drip on my beard. :-(
Give up soup then you fuckin slouch.

I guess I have to.

unless of'd like to suck the soup drippings out of my beard.

Edited By Maynard on 1040245573
Arpi will cut my head off with his flying sombrero like in goldfinger.
Do you ever eat creamy soup? Cause that would look funny in your beard.
creme de la arpi
So we should call Arpi Oddjob from now on? cream of anything in my beard! :angry:
cut your beard you dirty hippie
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