Full Version: I'm having a problem eating my soup
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Pour It directly Into the toilet and cut out that troublesome "Digestion" process. Saves time AND your beard.
braid your beard and put pretty little pink bows in it!

nope, then the bows would get all yucky from your soup Undecided
put it in a bun and cover it with saran wrap :thumbs-up:
what happens when you vomit?

It just flies forward with the force of 40 winds.
i like the bun idea :rofl:

I always thought that matzo ... matza ball soup had lumps of dough in it. no? what's it like

Do they serve it in restaurants? where would I have to go? Would Tenafly/Teaneck work, or do I have to go all the way to the city?

I almost bought perogies today. I had breaded fish & spinach instead. :thumbs-up:
I forgot the granola for the yogurt, but I did get the pears.

I'm hungry now :fuggin: :-D
yeah, i'm having the munchies, i was given a box of smores today, but i already had one and they're huge so i don't think i should have another one today. :fuggin:
a BOX of them! ooooo how does that work?

Quote:I didn't want to be a remnant of the tenure of the pen, so I requested this status change.
awww Undecided
I bet if Maynard has his soup through an IV, it won't get on his beard.

Hey Danked, I was only kidding when I apologized.....I had my fingers crossed :thumbs-up:
ladi, it's torturous to sit and wait for that member status to scroll across! jack is a genius! a genius i tell you. :banana:
what's up goofball :banana:
NM, what's new with you?
I'm about ready to serve soup to my PC....maybe they'll let me go home early :thumbs-up:
what kind of soup?
hmmmm...good question...what kind would fry the motherboard most effectively. hypothetically speaking, of course
this sounds like a question for maynard. his expertise in soup is uneqalled.
where is that hippie bearded soup guru?
maybe he took my idea and is in the process of braiding his beard. then he'll have to find some pretty pink bows ;-)
Ladi....alot of Diners have it. Stop at the Ahlexus diner on 10 in Denville on the way home and pick up some to go. They make the best Matzoh ball soup out here.
Oh sure....finally shows up and completely ignores the question :moonie: :fuckoff:
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