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what the fuck is "hork"???
and you smell like Taco Bell Gomez - take a bath!
I don't even care anymore, you surpassed being fun to screw around with long ago, now you're just annoying. No need to waste energy on nobodies, go back to misspelling words, I'm sure your customers look forward to their latest ad say "you're" instead of "your"
is it like "spork" ??
Hork is deepthroat phlegm evacuation action.'s spitting?
hork = a good amount of snot and spit mixed together :-)

Gomez: Bye bye chicken shit. Did I spell that correctly?

Oh and check your grammar in the last post. :rofl:

Edited By Chuck Wagon on 1042041185
It's sad that after a verbal fistfucking a grown man can be reduced to this
Quote:hork = a good amount of snot and spit mixed together

isn't that phlegm?

this hippie lingo is interesting, at the very least.
Not necessarily. You could swallow horkup again, I imagine.
Hey I'm actually the nicest person you could ever meet. Ask those that know me. I'm just bringing myself down to your level of conversation Gomez.
hmmm I thought hork was pretty well global. What do others call it?
I have to split, so no hard feelings. I'm not used to insulting's not in my blood. It actually makes me feel like trash even though I'm kidding. Good luck in College Gomez...seriously. At least you're not wasting your life away online.
See you back at the ranch, pants.
are you using it as a noun? a hork? I always thought it was a verb ..... as in: hork up a lugie (I didn't go back & look for the original statement)

oh and ... great other people think you're nice, so am I, whoopie-do, that doesn't matter here, so get your head out of your ass & show your niceness, or continue to get fucked with a rusty hammer :thumbs-up:
It's not hork, it's Hock. Your region just pronounces it hork.
"Horkup" was my use of a noun-inclusive version of the word. "To hork" would be verb form, yes?
ok, now it's making more sense then. hey, do you know how to spell Lugie too?

The low life scum part of me floated to the surface thanks to a few but that's not me. I only insulted one person in my whole life and that's my neighbour. He deserved it though. :-)
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