Full Version: Whatzup with the rivalry - Doors/CDIH
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Quote:I cant get over the fact the people actually still listen to the doors.

oh my fuckingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg god what an insult whaaaaaaaaaaa
You seem to frequently have no point. I will ignore you, then.
Wipe those tears sissy poo. It wasnt an insult. Just a statement.
Obsessing me
Possessing me

Burning me
Turning me

Into someone I don't know

That's shaking me
That's making me

Into someone I don't know

I got a pickax in the trunk of my car
I'll put it on the grinder to get it real sharp
There's an ugly green monster in my head
Won't leave me alone
Until you're dead

I called your house but you couldn't be reached
So I took the D train to Brighton Beach
You're doing the thing with a brand new man
Checking out the stars
Screwing on the sand

Kill you
Kill you
Kill you

Took some steriods and adrenaline
Finlandia vodka and hallucinagens
Mixed it with blood and orange juice
Liquid protein and ice cubes

Staring down at your sweaty embraces
Put my tool right through your faces
Well buddyboy I hope you enjoyed her
'Cause I'm an equal opportunity destroyer

Kill you
Kill you
Kill you

I'll kill you tonight

Hey Kid, whassup ma Caucasian?
Quote:It's not that they are an "older band" it's just that i dont think they were that good.

oh. well to each their own.. :toast:
um can u say that to me in english
If we all like the same stuff it would be a boring world..
Quote:um can u say that to me in english

You and your whole third of an Island fucking sucks.
Your Food
Your Taste in Music
Every fucking thing about England SUCKS

Except Spinal Tap and all other band (Except the Beatles) who came out between 1967 and 1982.
Quote:You and your whole third of an Island fucking sucks.
Your Food
Your Taste in Music
Every fucking thing about England SUCKS

im pretty good at sucking thank you
You don't like English muffins?
Take your weird cusine and outdated version of english and go live in the hills
Won't. :banana:
I like it when the IRA kills British nobles.
will :banana:

The Banana is being used for evil, I hope you're happy
Quote:I like it when the IRA kills British nobles.

What do I care? I live in the states. :lol:
Quote:The Banana is being used for evil, I hope you're happy
I do only good things with the banana..

Quiet Hippy

You will live in this century or you will not live at all
*kicks the dirt*

shuts up..
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