Full Version: I don't want to do this anymore....
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I'm a giant prick thundering around crushing cities with my pricky giganticness.'s close to impossible to figure out when someone's being sarcastic and when they're not in just words.

But you get to know people after awhile and realize who's a joker and who's a mega prick.

You're right. You sure are.
Quote:I'm a giant prick thundering around crushing cities with my pricky giganticness

:loveya: Busy later?
You can have his giant prick. I just want his vagina.
Nope. I'll thunder my way out west and crush you shortly, my dear.
Maynard, I thought the writing on the creamsicle package said "Get swell clits".
Quote:Maynard, I thought the writing on the creamsicle package said "Get swell clits".
Heh, no.
I don't get it.
I have a sig with a creamsicle in it.
Quote:<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

I fucking love this.
doesnt work that way splat. you can't copy an image off those scripts.

which one was it?

It was some kind of dirty people eating bloody bowels, I think.
Got Milk?
Yeah. :-D Gah
you need thick skin to handle this place. you dont get to know who is kidding and who is serious until you've stuck around awhile and can better determine personalities.

a good rule of thumb is to not take ANYTHING seriously. this place is supposed to be fun and an escape from reality first and foremost. i never take anything said here personally, neither should anyone else.

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1042050291
the one thing you can count on is that Arpi will bitch about something
Quote:i never let take anything said here personally, neither should anyone else.
So you didn't get the hint about your inflated ego? :-p
All right.

It's German. It say dea Bice dea.
No one who speaks German every did anything bad.
even if you meant it, i don't take it personally. i'm not going to cry about it.
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