Full Version: I don't want to do this anymore....
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i blame it on radiohead
I got that too...

Quote:Cannot spawn a new process; maximum processes limit has been reached.
Quote:Cannot spawn a new process; maximum processes limit has been reached.

That is our host having problems again. They really need to put more ram in the computer.
I think they have a pretty much OK computer.

Get it.... OK computer? Get it?
yeah, Danked, but all these errors have me Climbing Up The Walls

hoo hoo....wacky horn!!!!!

Seriously, stop.... before I get a Pablo Hon........ ???

Nevermind. :-(
i know, its hard to find, the well, whatever, nevermind.
All this drivel is giving me the bends. :crackhead:
Damn! Should have had that one. It was just towering above the rest and I didn't even see it.
dont worry, soon everything will be in its right place.
This place is starting to scare me. I need to learn how to dissappear completely.
I don't think so, but I might be wrong.
Well surprises by that reply.
i wanna be wanna be wanna be jim morrison. :rofl: Damn hippies.
Not only that but I have over 300 posts. :bouncer:
*tickles* Jack
Poor Jack lost his smile........
I guess even Hitler has bad days.
Quote:This place is starting to scare me. I need to learn how to dissappear completely.

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