Full Version: Killing the family pet..... - Always wrong or okay when provoked?
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Animals have no rights. Pure and simple. Do whatever the fuck you want to any animal and there willn't be reprocussions in your afterlife.

note to self: "Preview Post"

Edited By Galt on Feb. 16 2002 at 8:31
Galt Wrote:Animals have no rights. Pure and simple. Do whatever the fuck you want to any animal and there will be reprocussions in your afterlife.
:fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:

EDIT - I know alot of animals that have more brains than you do.

Edited By LunaBabe on Feb. 16 2002 at 8:24
Galt Wrote:Animals have no rights. Pure and simple. Do whatever the fuck you want to any animal and there will be reprocussions in your afterlife.
So wait, if I do anything to an animal there will or wont be reprocussions? oh yeah by the way :eatme:
Eh, don't even waste your time, Broken. The real repercussions come with reading comprehension and sentence structure.

Oh yeah...Hey Galt ------> :fuckoff:
Birds are the worst pet that any human can possibly own.

Dogs are loud, smelly, and dirty, but they are fun to hang out with and they make chicks wet.

Cats are boring and moody, but they are clean and gay men need pets too.

Snakes are totally sweet, but they could kill you if you aren't looking.

Fish are boring, but quiet, and don't take much upkeep

Birds are loud as hell, you can't reason with them, and they peck holes in stuff. They are Satan's spawn and should all be killed.

Pets, in general have no rights, and anything a human wants to do with or to any animal is OK by me (which includes raping dophins). Birds, especially serve no purpose in life and should all be extinguished.

If you want the bird offed but are too queasy to do it, I'd love the opportunity to kill yet another animal for pleasure.
Gooch Wrote:If it drops, will you read the thread there and post to a board you left? Oh, oops, you already did that. Nice sticking to your guns.
Oh No, I've angered Gooch! Look out, he might cite a famous writer to get his point across because he rarely has a opinion of his own!

BTW- You forgot to erase one of the status' I gave out on, Quickstop still has his. Please rectify that immeadietly.

Edited By Sephiroth on Feb. 16 2002 at 8:41
willn't ???????? Rolleyes
Galt Wrote:Birds are loud as hell, you can't reason with them, and they peck holes in stuff. They are Satan's spawn and should all be killed.
My bird has so many holes in things its not funny...he's a beast....he was in here before being all nice and sweet so I let him stay and then like 20 minutes later he bit into my lip so hard it started bleeding....I'm on the verge of microwaving the fucker.
PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:My bird has so many holes in things its not funny...he's a beast....he was in here before being all nice and sweet so I let him stay and then like 20 minutes later he bit into my lip so hard it started bleeding....I'm on the verge of microwaving the fucker.
I wouldn't do that if I were you. Broken and Luna may wind up calling the aspca on you.
Do what you want with your bird, I could care less.
Galt Wrote:Birds are the worst pet that any human can possibly own.

Dogs are loud, smelly, and dirty, but they are fun to hang out with and they make chicks wet.

Cats are boring and moody, but they are clean and gay men need pets too.

Snakes are totally sweet, but they could kill you if you aren't looking.

Fish are boring, but quiet, and don't take much upkeep

Birds are loud as hell, you can't reason with them, and they peck holes in stuff. They are Satan's spawn and should all be killed.

Pets, in general have no rights, and anything a human wants to do with or to any animal is OK by me (which includes raping dophins). Birds, especially serve no purpose in life and should all be extinguished.

If you want the bird offed but are too queasy to do it, I'd love the opportunity to kill yet another animal for pleasure.
Ya know what mother fucker, if I had my chocie of killing an animal or someone who posted in this thread... well all but 1 would be meating thier maker.
Sean Cold Wrote:I wouldn't do that if I were you. Broken and Luna may wind up calling the aspca on you.
Ahhh...but they don't know where I live.....
Quote:Ya know what mother fucker, if I had my chocie of killing an animal or someone who posted in this thread... well all but 1 would be meating thier maker.

I have a thought, why don't you just suck my dick now and get over it? It's a fuckin bird. Now, I understand you have a great love for parrots and all, but now I think you have let shit get to your head a tad much. :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:

Quote:Ahhh...but they don't know where I live

all they have to do is look for the new abortion clinic......

Edited By Sean Cold on Feb. 16 2002 at 8:50
Sean Cold Wrote:I have a thought, why don't you just suck my dick now and get over it? It's a fuckin bird. Now, I understand you have a great love for parrots and all, but now I think you have let shit get to your head a tad much. :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Sorry man, I ain sucking noones dick, and pirate/parrot jokes aside, I have not let anything get to my head. Thats how I truley feel. Have felt that way for a very long time. No offence to anyone here, but sorry, I love animals, all animals, more then I do people.
Sean Cold Wrote:
Quote:1 would be meating thier maker.

all they have to do is look for the new abortion clinic......
Don't you mean meeting? Smile

And hush...I'm sure there are tons of abortion clinics popping up all over the place
Quote:I love animals, all animals, more then I do people

And you are completely entitled to your irrational and retarded opinion.

Edited By Galt on Feb. 16 2002 at 8:55
Galt Wrote:And you are completely entitled to your irrational and retarded opinion.
Just as you are entitled to your retarded, arrogant opinion.
Sephiroth Wrote:
Gooch Wrote:If it drops, will you read the thread there and post to a board you left? Oh, oops, you already did that. Nice sticking to your guns.
Oh No, I've angered Gooch! Look out, he might cite a famous writer to get his point across because he rarely has a opinion of his own!

BTW- You forgot to erase one of the status' I gave out on, Quickstop still has his. Please rectify that immeadietly.
I'm not angry, but I wonder why you continually harp on shit purposely, unless you are looking for some sort of debate or have issue. Why do you assume that I have anything to do with erasing of any statuses you made? Do you assume I changed your password as well? I haven't done either. Don't lump me into the us vs. them atmosphere that you have created with your personal issue with Froy. The only issue I have ever had with you is that you took a repsnsibility and then suddenly quit. It's over with and done, as far as I'm concerned. You have your reasons, I'm sure. But as to you carrying the whole situation as your cross to bear...what the hell is up with that?

If you have issue with me, put it on to the table. Blocking me on AIM hardly sets the record straight..unless you just like be angry for the sake of being angry. And as for hamburgers, my boy, look in the mirror. I don't mind being poked fun of, but bristle when it's just an insult to what seems to be just Seph vs. everyone else who didn't see it his way.

Edited By Gooch on Feb. 16 2002 at 9:53
First of all, learn to take a fucking joke. Yeah, I made a Gauntlet joke. Did I mention any fucking problems I had? Did I release any info or anything? No, I made a fucking joke. Usually, you would make a joke after that about me, then we laugh at go about our way. But you wanted to take a jab at me for my 2 latest posts at Fine. Now you bitch that this is part of my grand scheme to take down everyone against me? What kind of convoluted fucking nitwit logic is that? Did I say you changed my password? No. Did I mention any other grievances? No. I made a goddamn joke. YOU decided to attack me on the "Us vs. Them" front, hence my comment above.

Seriously dude, do you even think about what you're saying before you attempt to form complete sentences?
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