Full Version: Killing the family pet..... - Always wrong or okay when provoked?
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Sephiroth Wrote:First of all, learn to take a fucking joke. Yeah, I made a Gauntlet joke. Did I mention any fucking problems I had? Did I release any info or anything? No, I made a fucking joke. Usually, you would make a joke after that about me, then we laugh at go about our way. But you wanted to take a jab at me for my 2 latest posts at Fine. Now you bitch that this is part of my grand scheme to take down everyone against me? What kind of convoluted fucking nitwit logic is that? Did I say you changed my password? No. Did I mention any other grievances? No. I made a goddamn joke. YOU decided to attack me on the "Us vs. Them" front, hence my comment above.

Seriously dude, do you even think about what you're saying before you attempt to form complete sentences?
seriously dude, you knew what you were doing when you made it. and you mentioned the status changes, jackass. who mentioned grand schemes, i just said you seem to be carrying an us vs. them attitude...what does that have to do with a grand scheme.

it's a joke. Ok. Whatever you say dude, whatever you say. Go back to your Tinker-Toys. about that post sean made in anger mangement?
You know what this reminds me of? Remember when all those Jews were having their wedding in Jewland and the floor caved in and they all died?

Wasn't that really funny?
[Image: cfg3-1.jpg]
Quote:Remember when all those Jews were having their wedding in Jewland

Jewland??? Is that another name for Hollywood?
I think Seph would make a pretty tweety to Gooch's mean Sylvester. Then FMFB can try to kill the bird but he'll keep on coming back like a bad case of herpes, seph never goes away.
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