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:lol: :lol: :lol:
the pussie's already changed what was posted on the site yesterday
Well I decided on my picks. Superbowl will be Buc's vs Raiders. In a season that didn't make much sense all year, why stop now? Everything I have seen in interviews etc, the Eagles are already looking past the Buc's. Big mistake. They are convinced the Buc's can't win in the cold and at the Vet. There will be a large number of Confuseduicide: in Philly this Sunday. The Buc's are on a roll. Philly has been doing just enough to win over the last two months. That will not be enough this weekend. Buc's 24, Eagles 13.

In theory, the Raiders should have never gotten this far. Aging team, new coach, new system. But the veteran's they have are just smart and savy. The offense with Gannon on a roll is unstoppable. That is until next week when they play the Buc's. A healthy Buc's team wins the Super Bowl, 28 - 24.

Edited By OAS on 1042750764
how are the bucs going to score 8 field goals? :rofl:
oh, and besides brian mitchells comments', which other eagles are "looking past" the bucs?
Quote:oh, and besides brian mitchells comments', which other eagles are "looking past" the bucs?
Every interview I have seen, McNabb, Freeman Mitchell. The only humble one I saw was Levins.
care to post any quotes?
Quote:The Buc's are on a roll.

What do you call winning after loosing the man who supposedlly made up your entire team? People tend to forget that everyone was counting the Eagles out after McNabb went down, but did they?
Crossing the i's and dotting the t's has to be the line of the day.
Eagles aren't capitalizing on the early failures of the Bucs. Now that the initial shock has worn off, the Bucs are looking dangerous.
I've always liked the Bucs in this game. Fuck bad field position when they can move the ball like that. Better off they start deep, burn some time.
The Eagles :lol:

i didn't wanna post before because i tend to jinx things, but i think it's safe now :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :toast: :toast: :fuggin:

oh yeah, ronde > tiki

Edited By crx girl on 1043018091
haha fuck the eagles and their overrated QB. Michael Vick wouldn't have thrown that pass.
... NFC teams....blech...
can't wait for the chuckie bowl!!!!!
i'm so happy right now :-D
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