Full Version: NFL Playoffs - Championship Games
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What can you say? They played a great game, now I hope Raiders win so we get a good, intruiging superbowl
nobody ruin the game for me

i have it tivo'd

ruin how? Like tell you who won the game?
How often did they play the Nike commercial where the naked guy runs around on a soccer field?
.... [Image: icon16.gif] .....
A LOT. Did that really happen?

Hahahahaha no more Eagles. Alls I need is the Titans for my pick to come thru.
at least Ja Rule and Ashanti got booed.
That was the best thing ever
That Nike commercial is funny shit! I love it when he comes back out for the 2nd run. Great stuff!

titans bucs would be the worst super bowl ever. please Raiders come through.
Raiders, 38-10

Titans 24-17
death seems so cozzy right now
Oh well looks like you'll get your Gruden Bowl after all. He is the cutest coach, will make it more exciting.
I love listening to eagles fans after a heartbreaking loss. That utter disgust in there mouth, seamen dripping from there backsides.

Last year eagles had a shot, Mcnabb throws a game ending interception and history repeats itself today again. :toast:
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