Full Version: should i just give it up
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the whole make me a mod thing.
I would've liked a more inventive second choice, something more insulting perhaps
Thats the tides changing arpi, now your biggest supporter is not even giving you a chance.
Quote:Thats the tides changing arpi, now your biggest supporter is not even giving you a chance.
for every 1 gomez turncoat, there is an OAS, a hybrid, and a crx that want this too happen!
I still voted for you, I'm just saying, I expected more Undecided
You are in no position to be disappointed
who are the 4 that fear me and my modship? COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!
I have a question for Gonzo .. does his poll count either way?
Hybrid maybe, OASon the other hand is you reaching for out of desperation.
oh, i was just about to say it might be time to give it up, but i don't like either of those choices. i just think you should accept that gonzo has declared no second chances.
i'll let you know on friday
That's more like it, insult them some more
Quote:i'll let you know on friday
you are like a very dull dog with a boring bone
Quote:I have a question for Gonzo .. does his poll count either way?

Only in apri's little world.
Quote:You are in no position to be disappointed


I voted u should give it up.
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