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Quote:You can still blast Wu shit from a decade ago in your car, can't do the same with NWA.

Are you saying Straight outta Compton isn't good cruising music?
Quote:Are you saying Straight outta Compton isn't good cruising music?
my thoughts exactly.
I played Fuck Tha Police on CDIH radio last night.

That song just makes me wanna get jiggy. My cousin and I used to blast that cruisin through Elizabeth while lookin for drugs.

The dumb things you do when you're a kid.
fuck tha police and i said it with authority!
we used to get a chance to play a few tunes before morning announcements when i was in high school so when it was my turn to bring in a mix, i threw in the clean version of "straight outta compton". it was pretty funny to see the principal come down to the station wondering who the Hell gave permission to run that. he didn't do a thing about it though, it was just funny to see him get all concerned.
Now thats funny. You had a radio station at your HS?

Us too. It was fun playing DJ during the day. And at night, we used to play the full version of Inna Gadda Da Vidda and go outside and smoke pot.

Heh....HS was fun.

One night we snuck into the pool and cranked up our station. The only bad thing is you couldn't really get our station past 20 miles.
may what were the call letters? WJSV?
90.5 WJSV Rockin from the dungeon. (even though it wasn't in the basement Rolleyes )
lol!!!! that's right. i still have a WJSV bumper sticker from when i was in high school somewhere in my house.

if i find the sticker i'll scan it and send it to you or i'll just post it here. :thumbs-up:

Edited By LZMF1 on 1042820377
no it wasn't really run all day long, just in the morning. it was your normal school public address system, not a FM signal. but we did get to play about 5-6 tunes every morning, then we read things like "the debate team meeting is cancelled this afternoon"
I always hated reading PSA's. We used to just read the same ones over and over again though. I had a short one memorized and always used that. :-p
i just can't believe i still have that sticker.........

shit, i still have my student id plus a few that i stole from unsuspecting victims.(i did it (stole them) out of boredom)
tom's diner was a popular song around that time, i can faintly recall that.
Do you remember that deli that used to be by the Senior parking lot? That place rocked before it burned down.

We used to sneak over there and get coffee and food during our free periods. :thumbs-up:
LZ doesnt think you can cruise to straight outta compton?! too many barney videos man, you're brain is rotting!!
jerkoff....i'm agreeing with him and the fact that you CAN cruise to it.
I am sitting
in the morning
at the diner
on the corner

I am waiting
at the counter
for the man
to pour the coffee

And he fills it
only halfway,
and before I even argue
He is looking out the window
at somebody comming in

It is always nice to see you
says the man behind the counter
to the woman who has come in
she is shaking her umbrella

And I look the other way
as they are kissing their hellos
and I'm pretending not to see them
and instead I pour the milk

I open up the paper
there's a story of an actor
who had died while he was drinking
It was no one I had heard of

And I'm turning to the horoscopes
and looking for the funnies
when I'm feeling someone's watching me
and so I raise my head

There's a woman on the outside
looking inside, does she see me?
No she does not realy see me,
cuz she sees her own reflecion

And I'm trying not to notice
that she's hitching up her skirt
and while she's straightening her stockings,
her hair has gotten wet

Oh this rain it will continue
through the morning as I'm listening
to the bells of the cathedral

...and I'm thinking of your voice

...and the midnight picnic
once upon a time
before the rain began

And I finish up my coffee,
and it's time to catch the train
my buddy's father ran a deli that was right down the road from the high school, we used to cut and do the same thing, and even better, FREE FOOD!!!!
Dunno if anyone knows Morristown. But there's a really really nice French Resteraunt in town called "The Grand Cafe". Anyhoo....we used to walk to school, cause it was close, and my friends dad owned the place. So we used to go in there for free French food and free booze after school. Fuckin rocked the hizzouse.
Quote:Do you remember that deli that used to be by the Senior parking lot? That place rocked before it burned down.

We used to sneak over there and get coffee and food during our free periods
yeah i remember that place. i cannot recall the name of it but i can tell you that the building is now entirely a restaurant. portofino's i think.
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