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Trish was topless? I should have went.
Quote:and a few fries that i stole of someone's plate.
Beer and Jagermeister, no food

...maybe that's why I puked my guts out when i got back to the hotel Undecided
We missed you Saturday Spit. Undecided
Quote:We missed you Saturday Spit.
Yeah, we could have used an extra table to put our beers on. :-p
Alkey, Silera and I had sliders on the way back to my place.
Fuckin' elitists didn't come to the diner with us.
Quote:kin' elitists didn't come to the diner with us.
Hey, we've got a reputation to uphold.
Oh, I forgot you didn't come. I was talking about Keyser, Alkey, and Silera.
Oh. :-(
Oh, but yeah... you should have been there... and stuff...
Alkey, silera and keyser are too cool for us.

We had GW though so fuck em.

There were a lot of interesting discoveries made at the diner, it was like the war room in strangelove.
There's no fighting in the war room!
I'm pissed I didn't stick around longer.
By the way, tell weirdnj he is the fuckin man.

When I saw the wiper fluid by the car door, I wanted to blow him.
Oooh.. An early B-day present. :blow:
It's your birthday soon?

Mine's on Friday.
Party for danked!!!

WeirdNJ can come and tell people it's his b'day too if he wants and continue riding your coattails.
Quote:WeirdNJ can come and tell people it's his b'day too if he wants and continue riding your coattails.

I see how it is now. Don't hold back. Tell me what you really think. I can take it.[Image: azcrying.gif][Image: sulkoff.gif]
Ever since we were wee stoners, he's been tagging along everywhere I go. Jesus, enough already.
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