Full Version: So what did you guys
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I can still fuck you up, Bitch. And don't you forget it.
So danked what are we doing for your party?
i really don't remember much from the diner
To be honest, me neither.

Except something about Blockbuster, 311, and blueberry creme coffee.
We retreated to Keyser's plush palace.

Nobody said shit about a diner, fuckin' elitists.
Quote:Nobody said shit about a diner, fuckin' elitists.
I didn't hear you invite us all back to Keysers either. Fuckin elitists.
Yeah, fuckin' elitists like you guys were gonna' drive to Union City, NJ.

Did you ask?

Elitists. Confusedneak: someone fill me in in 500 words or less, what happened at the diner. Please be specific.
nope not possible at all...but it was interesting to say the least.

i had a cheese omlete with bacon and a few straws.
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