Full Version: Net Providers Must Help in Piracy Fight - What ever happened to 4th Amendment?
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I found this little article in newspaper:
Net Providers Must Help in Piracy Fight

Seems now ISP's are supposed to track down people sharing music, and turn them in.

What I want to know is how do they know to look for them?
is ISP supposed to monitor all internet traffic now?
What ever happened to 4th Amendment - isn't this
"search now and let's see what we find"?
Will they monitor all sites you visit?

This was the quote from the article that made me most nervous:

Quote:"This puts a huge burden on Internet service providers," said Harris Miller, head of the Washington-based Information Technology Association of America, a trade group. "It turns them into judge, jury and executioner just because someone makes an allegation about a problem."

Is it me, or is this a potentially huge issue?
Technically, I would think that any evidence turned in by the ISP would be considered illegal search and seizure.
Quote:Seems now ISP's are supposed to track down people sharing music, and turn them in.
My isp in PA is doing this shit. :angry:
I have a feeling this ruling will be appealed to the supreme court. That would be the same thing as a court telling technicians who work on computers that they must search the hard drive while they work on the unit for illegal content or pirated software. Thats just not ethical.
itll be appealed
I download shows from sites and ftps which host shows by bands that allow recording and trading of their live shows, but how will my ISP provider know this? Problem is that the people making these laws and decisions have no fucking clue about this technology and its potential. They won't make these distinctions.
I believe it's time for another revolution. The government is to big for it's own good and it's supporters (lobbyist and their ilk, a.k.a. Big Business) treat the People as if we are nothing more then their personal slaves.

The Bill of Rights and Constitution have been under attack since the creation of this country. Little by little our enemy's have been chipping away at it. Well it looks like they are succeeding. What are you going to do about it?
ill just sit here
Yeah, I'm not picking up a musket.
God Damn hippie stoner fucks. Looks like the commies have won.

Get into the cattle cars. Time to take a shower.
Dude, I wouldn't even know how to load a musket.
its just like packing a bowl
Oh, then I could probably do that.

Not that I'd really want to.
Well don't say I didn't warn you.

When the black booted thugs kick your door in late one night and haul your ass off to parts unknown for "computer crimes" don't cry to me.

Will a musket really hold them off?

Think about it.
Free Kevin Mitnick.

Oops.. I'm about 4 years too late.
Sie sind mit Computerkriminalitäten gegen Menschlichkeit aufgeladen worden. Sie sind schuldig und als solcher verurteilen wir Sie zum Tod. Gehen Sie ruhig, oder sonst töten wir Ihre vollständige Familie.
Thank god you told me.

I would have been all smoking it and shit.
Quote:Sie sind mit Computerkriminalitäten gegen Menschlichkeit aufgeladen worden. Sie sind schuldig und als solcher verurteilen wir Sie zum Tod. Gehen Sie ruhig, oder sonst töten wir Ihre vollständige Familie.

Du und deine Scheissideen koennen zur Hoelle gehen.
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