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WhipThisFez Wrote::roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :fucking: :fucking: :blow: :roflmao: :fuggin:
very insightful,fez.i wish more people were as philosophical as you
Maynard Wrote:Here's the thing. After going through marriage once, I can now point my finger at things I like or dislike in a person. I am comfortable enough with myself now that I can make the decision to be alone instead of being with the wrong person just because they are a warm body.
So shouldn't that make you more comfortable with getting married again? Now that you know more of what you want and don't want in a woman, wouldn't you be more sure of your feelings and decision?
WhipThisFez Wrote::roflmao: :fuggin:
I'm laughing over here, because this is the stuff I think about after I :fuggin: :drool: :thumbs-up:
PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:So shouldn't that make you more comfortable with getting married again? Now that you know more of what you want and don't want in a woman, wouldn't you be more sure of your feelings and decision?
No. I now know what marriage is all about and would rather be single. I could easily find someone to spend the rest of my life with, but I don't need to be married to them.
Maynard Wrote:No. I now know what marriage is all about and would rather be single.
Is it really that bad? Part of me still lives in the illusion of happily ever after....
I bet lawyers are big fans of marriage.
PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:
Maynard Wrote:No. I now know what marriage is all about and would rather be single.
Is it really that bad? Part of me still lives in the illusion of happily ever after....
No, it's not that bad at all. It's just not for me. I have many friends that love being married, and there were some times I like it. But overall, it's a great institution, if you want to be institutionalized.
Quote:Is it really that bad? Part of me still lives in the illusion of happily ever after....
its just pointless. why do you have to get married to spend your life with someone? marriage is an out-dated archaic ritual that no longer has a meaning. you can devote your life to someone without having a ceremony.
...or risk 50% of your assets.
I was thinking about this the other day when I saw a report on some guy who was in a bad car accident and had amnesia from it --he couldn't remember the last 18 years of his life, not his kids or getting married to begin with. Now, if this happened, could you just go on with your "life" that you have no memory of, a spouse you don't even remember meeting? Could you fall in love with that person all over again?

Anyway, I just said "yes" to that big question...but damn am I ever scared!...doesn't it seem like every marriage ends in divorce? Nothing lasts forever...but I guess we're making a go at it and trying...what do I have to lose anyway...we've made it this far together through a ton of shit already

A good friend got married last year, his girlfriend was preggers...after the baby came, she went completely psycho. They were living with her parents up north, which is a huge strain on any relationship to begin with, but he would hang with us after work cuz he worked down here. She thought he was cheating on her, wouldn't tell him what was wrong...just basically told him she never wanted to see him all that time together, was for nothing, she didn't even want to try, even for the sake of the baby Sad

And I wanna get married for what reason again? :lol:
Arpikarhu Wrote:its just pointless. why do you have to get married to spend your life with someone? marriage is an out-dated archaic ritual that no longer has a meaning. you can devote your life to someone without having a ceremony.

Your just upset that they don't alow same sex marages where you live. :bouncer:

Edited By Brokenjaw on Feb. 19 2002 at 1:23
Im married and love it.


I suppose I want to have the ceremony once just to be beautiful and get all dressed up and have the whole thing..u know..the fairy tale thing. I mean it would be nice. BUT I don't have to be married to spend your whole life together. I guess if you love someone and you trust them, then words should be enough..I mean words between each other.
I read somewhere that 50% of marriages end in divorce. Talk about a coin toss.
JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:Im married and love it.


Nothing to be sorry about at all Snuka. I wish mine had worked out. It would have saved alot of pain.

Quote:I guess if you love someone and you trust them, then words should be enough..I mean words between each other.
Yes, that IS all that matters. If people would realize that the trust between the two people is one of the most important things, then it would be so much easier.

You can get married in front of God, but, he won't keep your marriage together. YOU have to do that.
Well sorry to hear that Maynard. That does blow.
I can honestly say best thing I ever did though.
JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:Well sorry to hear that Maynard. That does blow.
I can honestly say best thing I ever did though.
One of my best friends was married. He suspected his wife of cheating on him. She denied it. He walked in on her with his best friend. You'd think that would royally fuck someone up. He got remarried 2 years later, and now has a 1 year old daughter and said that getting re-married was the best decision of his life.

It is great for some. Just not for me. ???
Kill Me now please.
Spitfire Wrote:Anyway, I just said "yes" to that big question
Hey Spit...were you just trying to sneak that shit past us? Like he'll be able to make an honest woman out of you...

Honestly, if my marriage heads into the toilet...I seriously doubt I'd get married again. Couple of reasons...first, been there done that, and secondly, and most importantly, I can't see myself trying to explain to my kids why they have a new "mommy"....their mom will always be their mom, regardless of whether we're still married or not. I would owe my kids at least that.
Quote:Kill Me now please.
*grabs machete* k how ya want it??? Confusedeph:
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