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Marraige is the opiate of the people.
Maynard Wrote:You'd think that would royally fuck someone up. He got remarried 2 years later, and now has a 1 year old daughter and said that getting re-married was the best decision of his life.
That doesn't even give you hope for yourself?

Quote:Marraige is the opiate of the people.

Whats your excuse?

Edited By Keyser Soze on Feb. 19 2002 at 2:04
BeckyDC Wrote:I suppose I want to have the ceremony once just to be beautiful and get all dressed up and have the whole thing..u know..the fairy tale thing. I mean it would be nice. BUT I don't have to be married to spend your whole life together. I guess if you love someone and you trust them, then words should be enough..I mean words between each other.
I want the pretty dress and reception wanting to get married has nothing to do with god either, since I'm a nonbeliever. I guess for me getting married would mean more than would mean that we wanted everyone to know that we love eachother enough to spend the rest of our lives together. No pledge of committment says that as much as a marriage certificate.
PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:No pledge of committment says that as much as a marriage certificate.
Emotions and real true love do not require legal documents.

Edited By Keyser Soze on Feb. 19 2002 at 2:06
Keyser Soze Wrote:Emotions and real true love do not require legal documents.
I agree....but if someone were to tell me they wanted to spend the rest of their life with me and not get married, I would wonder.....
SPIT!!!!!!! Congratulations! :bouncer: :0 :loveya: :fuggin: Angel Confusedpits: :roflmao: :bouncer:

:fuggin: :fuggin: Cheers to you and Mr Spit
Quote:Now, if this happened, could you just go on with your "life" that you have no memory of, a spouse you don't even remember meeting? Could you fall in love with that person all over again?

Anyway, I just said "yes" to that big question...but damn am I ever scared!.

I'm confused. Did she accept Mr. Spit's proposal or was she saying Yes to the question she just posed herself?
the trick is to find someone who knows you, i mean truly knows you. someone who can put up with you at your worst and vice versa. if sluggo and i can do it, you can too.

and no, we're not faigs, he seems to be happily married and i know i am.

i had to beat you guys to it before you started ripping me to shreds, sorry.
Thanks guys... I get to wear the pretty dress soon :bouncer:
We just have to get a ring, figure out a date, figure out how we can have a kick ass wedding for cheap, but luckily our families are really small- hell, we might just even elope when we're bored one night...

Quote:I'm confused. Did she accept Mr. Spit's proposal or was she saying Yes to the question she just posed herself?
The former rather than the latter, didn't mean to get ya confused Big Grin
Great thing about being married. KIDS. You can just make your own to violate...dont have to go hunting anymore. then they make friends and invite them over and you can tell them they have to go outside and their friends have to come with me into the basement.

JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:Great thing about being married. KIDS. You can just make your own to violate...dont have to go hunting anymore. then they make friends and invite them over and you can tell them they have to go outside and their friends have to come with me into the basement.

you rock!!!!!!
Well in that case, congrats Spit! A major coup on his part and a great loss to the male community. We simultaneously envy him and despise him for his good fortune. Wink
Quote:I now know what marriage is all about and would rather be single

You have no Idea what marriage is all about.

Marriage is coming home from work and punching your wife in the face for not having dinner on the table. Doesn't matter that your home 3 hours early, The bitch should be ready.

Marriage is violating your daughters little friends and warning them if they tell you'll slice their throats, You can't beat the rush you get from seeing their little faces all flushed from fear.

Theres a shitload of perks,, but I hate typing :drool:

(17 years Feb 1st)

Edited By onehung on Feb. 19 2002 at 9:31
onehung Wrote:Marriage is coming home from work and punching your wife in the face for not having dinner on the table.
so the piney bitch is getting hitched? (hee hee i rhymed Smile)

well congrats my dear! best of luck to you both! :bouncer:

and as for my thoughts on marriage, i would so love to get married. i just need to find someone to love me that much. ho hum : :disappointed:
virgingrrl Wrote:and as for my thoughts on marriage, i would so love to get married. i just need to find someone to love me that much. ho hum : :disappointed:
Umm you like wanna go to the next Z100 Meat Market? :lol:
Quote:Umm you like wanna go to the next Z100 Meat Market?

the what? no i don't even want to know. please kill me if i ever got that desprate.
virgingrrl Wrote:the what? no i don't even want to know. please kill me if i ever got that desprate.
They make men register and they put them in a cataloge or something and then I don't really know how it friend tried to drag me to one, but I got her to put a personal ad on the net up instead. :p
Maynard Wrote:I am STILL going through my divorce
You mean I commited adultery when I fucked you up the ass?

Confusedeph: + Confuseduicide: = :thumbs-up:

OK, and here's my take: I married the first woman who did not annoy me. I am also rather mature, or actually not too ego-centric/caught-up-in -myself. The simple fact about marriage is that is causes more problems, it does not cure them. No kids, adoring wife, an allowed/understood love of beer and hockey, I am in a perfect marriage, except I am also a complete asshole. But I know that, so that is good. Well, all I can say is that I am a lucky one and I fear for the rest of you.

Edited By Sloatsburgh on Feb. 20 2002 at 01:27
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