Full Version: New Batman movie, new director, new hope?
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After the original Batman, which was a monster of a movie and a very good movie at that. There have been 3 pretty lame sequels.

Granted Michael Keaton was the best of the so far 3 modern Batmans. Yet what made the original Batman so great was the freshness first and foremost and Nicholson as the Joker. You always need a great villian, always.

There's a 5th Batman movie in the works, the director they've chosen is Chris Nolan the guy who directed Memento.

This isn't the batman vs. superman movie, this is a sequel to the other Batman movies.

Here's what Nolan had to say: "All I can say is that I grew up with Batman, I've been fascinated by him and I'm excited to contribute to the lore surrounding the character. He is the most credible and realistic of the superheroes, and has the most complex human psychology. His superhero qualities come from within. He's not a magical character. I had a fantastic experience with the studio on 'Insomnia,' and I'm keen to repeat that experience."
who is batman?
He's the superhero with no real super powers.
if they make it a dark, serious movie it'll kick ass - if they go with the cartoonish in-your-face comic book movie, it'll suck worse than the other sequels did. Any idea who might wear the Bat Suit?
allow me to clarify.

who plays batman?
... Bruce Wayne, like DUH!!
One villain and ONE villain only please. Learn the lesson of Spiderman and the first Batman movie. ONLY DO ONE VILLAIN!!!!!!!!!!

I'd recommend the Scarecrow. Genious psychiatrist who uses mindaltering terror drugs to paralyze his victims with fear. :thumbs-up:
I don't think they should do any more villians.... Once you get past the main archenemy, everyone else just looks weak... Look at He-man... once you beat Skelator, who's gonna fuck with you? Beast Man? Hordak? C'mon...
Quote:Look at He-man... once you beat Skelator, who's gonna fuck with you? Beast Man? Hordak? C'mon...
gi joe worked fine with out cobra commander, though. serpentor and golobulus were bad asses
... GI Joe was no he was paid to stop evil...
the joes were just as super as batman. crazy gadgets, hordes of villans, no super powers. i see no difference
...the difference is that they were employees of the US military... their job was to destroy evil... Batman did it for a much greater purpose...
what greater purpose? he was an idiot. he went around, stoping crime, and got nothing out of it. he was a psycho in a leather suit
.... you could say the same about Superman.... he could have spent all his skills on getting pussy, but what does he do? He stops crime and goes and gets married...

... Batman was a superhero not because he had superpowers, but because he was about doing super-good....
once again...the joes did super good. if not for them, we'd all be part snake and be ruled by a guy who wears a mirrored mask and hisses when he talks
.... BUT THEY WERE PAID TO DO SUPERGOOD!!! IT WAS THEIR JOB!!! You can't be paid to be a hero....
Quote:You can't be paid to be a hero....
tell that to a fireman. GOD BLESS AMERICA, LAND THAT I LOVE.....................
... a paid firefighter does not fit my definition of hero...
remind me to light jay's house on fire
... and I'll be waiting for the firemen that I pay for to show up and put it out...
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