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He began washing his pills down with his assortment of liquor and once again began to enjoy his surroundings, no longer caring about his marital status or his location, when off in the distance, he saw a figure slowly approaching....
She is wearing a white robe, flowing in some mysterious wind that seems to swirl only around her. Her hair is as white as her dress. She points at him & he stands, as if propelled by her thoughts. Is it the drugs or is she here ... he reaches out to touch her, but he floats on by instead, colors swirl by & he loses conciousness again.

He wakes up in a cold place ...
He feels the hardness of the rock underneath his bare skin, and feels a chill tear through his body. "Where am I?" he wondered, looking around the drab room, which looks more like a cave then a room, disoriented, he attempts to stand, only realize he is shackled at the ankles....
once again....his ass feels like a parking lot in buffalo, new york after a severe snowstorm(it must've been plowed one too many times)

"who was she?" he wonders to himself.

"where did she go"
"where did she get that strap on and how did she learn to use it like that?"

the questions piled up in his mind
..... and why must he always take it in the ass?
Couldn't he once get a blowjob?

He whistles for the dog, "fetch the keys boy"

Instead the dog brings back?
A human hand.....he takes the hand from the dog, and realizes that the ring on the finger closely resembles the one he gave to his fiancee....frightened, he drops the hand to the floor and screams
he stops and thinks about it.....

he paid good money for that ring. 1 1/2 carats set in platinum aint cheap!

he goes back and retrieves the ring.

woohoo! he's a free man.

now onto his next target.

Edited By LZMF1 on 1044028217
His mind wanders back to the girl he began seeing shortly before planning his trip to Vegas. He remembers their uninhibited sex, and tries desperately to recall her phone number....oh if he could only be with her again, things would be so much better....or so he thought....
Desperate now, he tried to wrench his feet from the chains. After much struggle & a little blood, he is free. He takes the hand in his suitcase & tries to find his way out.

Hotel California plays in the background

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1044028192
He begins searching for a means of escape, but suddenly he's overcome by a feeling of thirst and hunger and can no longer stand.....he tries to pull himself together, but he can't seem to get a handle on himself..... Holding himself up against the wall, he tries to find a way out, when suddenly a hand reaches out and puts its hand on his shoulder and he hears a whisper of "this way, come with me..."
he turns around and sees Jerry Garcia.
"Jerry Garcia?" the man says.
"Hey dude. this way man."
Jerry Garcia, the man says to him self. Awesome. Jerry will know what to do.
He follows Jerry out of the cave as fast as he can wobble.
He follows the ghost down a dark hallway. ::THUMP:: he crashes into a door, he turns the large old knob & the door creeks open .... blinded by a light he goes forward ...

There is sand under his feet, he is back in the dessert. The door slams. But when he turns around, there is no building, he is alone w/his suitcase.

Just then, he hears a ringing in the cactus ... a phone booth? out here?

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1044028770
"Hello?" he answers, his voice cracking with fear...
He hears nothing but breathing....
"Hello?" he says again hoping for something...when suddenly he's answered by a piercing screech on the other end, frightened, he drops the handset, grabs his bag, and begins running.
he keeps running, thinking "how could Jerry just abandon me like that? eh, screw him."
he continues running until another phone booth appers in front of him. he gets alittle freaked out. the phone rings again.
he goes and picks up the phone. "hello?"
"yeah, i would like to order 3 large pizzas, one with pepperoni, one with extra cheese and anchovies, and the last with pigs feet please."
"that will be $32.45." the man says.
WHAT?? he just thought to himself. a memory flashed in his mind. "Could I be a pizza delivery guy with a briefcase and dog???"

Edited By Ronin on 1044029171
Hotels! He sees hotels, the Luxor with its light piercing the settling evening sky. He must be miles off still, but he hurries to the road.
Running, he can think of nothing but the pleasures that await him in Vegas....he can almost smell the hotels.....he begins to grow excited....what an odd time to get an erection....
his erection keeps growing as he runs towards the hotels. "how much larger can I get?" he asks himself.
A car pulls to a stop, he hurries over, the driver is a girl with hair as red as her car. He can't help but stare. She looks him over.

"well, are you going my way stranger or what?"

He jumps in, the dog climbs in the back seat. And they tear off down the road. Over the roar of the car she tells him her name is Sand. She's lived out here all her life. She's a showgirl.

"Where are you headed."

He recounts his story, leaving nothing out, for some reason he feels she needs to know all this.

"hmmm", she says, "I know a guy, maybe he can help you."
They pull up in front of Bally's where Sand's a dancer in Jubilee and they head inside. Sand reaches out for his hand, and says, "don't worry, we'll fix everything," and they get into the elevator....
as he looks closer, he sees a mole on her lip, thinking back to the desert and his "mom". What are the midgets up to?

It is too crowded here though to shoot anyone. The time to kill must wait.
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