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Rain.... on my face..... hmmm.. Damn, I DID IT AGAIN!!! I am straight I tell you!!! I miust really stop talking to myself, he thought..
Our hero's long lost buddies were coming towards him, spraying champagne all over the place. They were mighty drunk & happy to see him.

After trying to slug a few of them, & being restrained by his brother, out hero asked for an explaination.
"An explanation for what?," Ezekiel exclaimed.
"WHY WAS LEFT IN THE DESERT WITH MY SUITCASE??!! ...... and where did I get this dog?"

"oooh that, we tried to sell you for a bottle of Remi Martin."
"A bottle of what?! You almost got me killed, my fiancee is dead..."

"Did you get the ring back?"
"She's not dead, she flew home after she caught you in the bedroom with the donkey & those three stippers. What are those green pills you have, anyway?"
"Green pills?, They're just vitamins."
The End.
i like stories.
did you not hear me? I said The End.
What a great bedtime story.
then I said..

Thats was my dog that you were fucking in the ass.
:bouncer: thanks everyone
good job
Can we play again on Monday? I decided not to do work then either.
I look forward to it :fuggin:
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