Full Version: Would you be attracted to... - an opposite sex version of yourself?
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get a room
Hmmm.. On the plus side, you would share the same sexual fantasies..
On the bad side.. that could be dangerous.

I'd have to go with no.
why would that be dangerous?
are you going to strangle yourself Jack?
jack finally wouldnt be afraid to kill himself
Lets just leave it at Handcuffs.
would you lock yourself to the bed, Jack, & leave you there for the neighbors to find, when you yell all night?

Imagine explaining that ..... "how did this to you"
"I did. well my clone, I was fooling around with me"
"you did this to yourself?"
"well sort of"
I'd fuck the shit out of me.
If my female self was hot I'd try and get with her...but I'm sure even myself would turn me down
Quote:Lets just leave it at Handcuffs.

a real boundary breaker, how daring, what's next whip cream?
Handcuffs are fun, but pretty tame. Whatever floats your boat.

I don't think I'd be attracted if we thought the same, because I'm stubborn as fuck, especially when I feel I'm right - even if I'm not so I wouldn't wanna deal with that.

On the other hand, I'd always have someone to smoke with...
You'd argue over who had more money.
Quote:a real boundary breaker, how daring, what's next whip cream?

I never said I don't fantasize about going further, I just said lets leave it there. :burnfucker:
Hell yes
as long as her nose wasn't as big
Quote:I never said I don't fantasize about going further, I just said lets leave it there.

oh please, no one cares about your lame handcuffs.

give us the good shit, come on!!!!!
Quote:You'd argue over who had more money.

You're right - a smoking partner isn't worth that kinda headache :-(
Quote:I'd fuck the shit out of me.
gonna have to agree with him on this, i'd be balls deep in myself in no-time
Quote:gonna have to agree with him on this, i'd be balls deep in myself in no-time

sorry, that was me not the limey
Quote:gonna have to agree with him on this, i'd be balls deep in myself in no-time

Hey CRX...I'm you... :bouncer:
I actually said that, because imagining a female version of myself, I doubt that anyone else would fuck me.

And besides, even Alkey wouldn't fuck me, he'd send his spic to do it.

Edited By Buttmunch on 1044382411
Pages: 1 2 3 4