Full Version: Would you be attracted to... - an opposite sex version of yourself?
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Quote:I actually said that, because imagining a female version of myself, I doubt that anyone else would fuck me.

I'd tear it up like giftwrap on christmas morning.
um, i'm gonna disagree with myself. Undecided
I'd wanna see other people.
Quote:i'd have to see a picture of her first.
[Image: keyserclone.jpg]
that is one ugly bitch
A female version of me wouldn't fuck someone like me
Before it disappears....

Quote:<center>Keyser Soze
[Image: knox.gif]
Where's My Mirror?

One ugly bitch in female form
[Image: potleaf6.gif]
Hee hee. :burnfucker:

Edited By Danked on 1044391696
Yes, you and Goatweed discovered how to add a status

oh happy, happy day
Just add the funny thing to my profile and avoid the 10 posts that would follow
I like my spiffy new status
i went out with one for 5 years. it didn't work out too well.
I think I would.
I think I would have to try it at least once, just to know if I was any good. Then I'd be able to know what a guy feels like when I'm doing certain things, and could change things if needed.
would tricia have two clones, to compensate for the personality disorder?
if she has two, Hell, i'd have an orgy with all of mine. :fucking: :banana:
but then you'd be fucking the male versions of her too.
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