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I used to be scared of the nose sucker too, but its good at getting the boogers out that no matter how hard you blow seem to be wedged.

I have a fever and I have to go to school :bouncer:
Quote:I used to be scared of the nose sucker too, but its good at getting the boogers out that no matter how hard you blow seem to be wedged.

suddenly my bagel with cream cheese no longer seems very appetizing :crackhead:
Imagine if it had chives in it
who am I kidding, I'm starving.

chives are good, but a mixed vegetable cream cheese is superb, especially on an everything bagel - with a cup of BC, of course.
work haz kept me very busy
now i'm hungry.
No, Sesame bagel with chive cream cheese and a bowl of tomato soup is the ultimate

Hey, I just figured out what I'm having for lunch
god damnit, i'm trying to go to sleep and now my tummy's rumblin. urgh
I'm not big on plain tomato soup, but if you add rice to it you've got yourself a solid meal. Add a grilled cheese sandwich, maybe a pickle or a small salad and you're set.
please don't make me get up and start cooking now. you're making me really want grilled cheese and tomato soup :crackhead:
don't try to fight it, go ahead and make yourself some. Your tummy will thank you for it :thumbs-up:
No rice, just plain soup, perfect for dipping
you can dip with rice too - it's even better because the rice sinks to the bottom, almost like 2 meals in one.

And if grilled cheese isn't an option, you can always sprinkle some cheese into the soup as well - bacon bits work too, but real bacon bits not that fake shit.
I bet Tricia is cursing at the screen right now
Now I want grilled cheese! But there's no bread in the house.
Quote:you're making me really want grilled cheese and tomato soup
mmm that does sound really excellent
the cafeteria upstairs makes a good grilled cheese, but I don't know if they have tomato rice soup today - I might have to run across the street for it.

I've also had a craving for a BLT, I don't know why. That would go well with Tomato soup also.
ooo the ahppy Waitress ... bacon cheese & tomato :loveya:
:disappointed: stop making me hungry...all this talk of waitresses
dammit, now i want one too...but its veggie soup day at the cafe...stupid people!
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