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I think my work has pea soup today, but the Stop & Shop is right next door :banana:

and I have my new book :loveya:
is it a book or porn?
My lunch is a bowl of tomato soup and a bowl of Raisin Bran.. MMMmmm...

and maybe some Funions.
does the tomato have rice in it?
I am craving a grilled swiss now.......thanks....thanks a million......and I have no swiss. :-(
it's a regualr book, but the kid got laid & keeps looking to do it again. keeps going on about hot wet caves & tightness. :thumbs-up:
I just had a sesame bagel with chive cream cheese, a cup of blueberry coffee and tomato soup

I didn't go to school, so my chances for grilled cheese are nil....ugh I wish there was someone who would bring me grilled cheese :disappointed:

I think I'll go make some split pea soup...
There should totally be a delivery place that makes Grilled Cheese
Fuckers ran out of tomato soup. Now I'm stuck with pickle soup. Undecided
The places by my office make grilled cheese, but I'm home in crappy Brooklyn. I think I'm going to call my brother to see if he can bring me home some bread.
pickle soup! :-o how is THAT!
... I'm sick...
I had a tuna wrap from upstairs (it looked too good to pass up) and ran across the street for some tomato rice soup, topped with some cheddar cheese! Today was a good day :thumbs-up:
The pickle soup is actually pretty good when my grandmother makes it. I don't know if it's a European thing or strictly Polish, but it usually has at least potato chunks and carrots mixed with lots of shredded pickles. It's quite good.
I'm having milk and fresh baked cookies now

Today truly is a good day
Quote:fresh baked cookies

chocolate chip? my mom makes the best chocolate chip cookies. Sometimes she'll use a mix of milk chocolate and peanut butter chips :loveya:
Quote:I'm having milk and fresh baked cookies now
::drool:: I want cookies!

I had split pea soup from a box...the frozen Jewish brand kind.

I never had pickle soup, but my grandma makes borcht.
Yup, chocolate chip cookies, I just wish we had an actual oven so I wouldn't have to bake these things 6 at a time in the toaster oven
I was supposed to bake brownies and cookies this weekend, but I'm I really want my peanut butter chocolate chip cookies!

I also got a recipe for bananna chocolate chip I want to try.
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