Full Version: who did it??????
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Quote:COUGHCOUGH I think I have mono COUGHCOUGH

Yeah cause you kissed someone Rolleyes why did you have to say that? Hurts my feelings when you say those things.
Sorry I forgot you're the resident sexpert, a pimp in every sense of the word.
hey..yeah...i also keep numbers and make sure to say them as much as possible to my know, to make it like I have a social life.
I should be like you and write up my sexcapades that always seem to happen whenever you are out with anyone not on the board. Like convincing women to let you shave them and doing bodyshots off women and banging your two roomates.

I don't believe I have ever personally posted about what I do with other women, you only know of two allegedly cause everyone else stuck their nose in it. Kinda like you constantly trying to bait me into an argument with your pathetic attempts with references to me.

Like you did after sean offered you the spidey dvd yet you said you had it and enjoyed busting my balls and making me look bad on the board.

You are trully pathetic cause for all your shit talking you'd never say it to me in person.
"don't shit where you eat, my friend"

what i think of you is meaningless. it's you that gives it so much power. Like i have some sort of repsonsibility to tell you person. like there is some sort of imperative....don't like gonzo...must tell him.

this DVD story just goes on and on. fuckin great. keep going. you were the one complaining that i was harping on it. now weeks later, it's still going. Obviously it is all about how you look with the situation. Look as good as you want...whatever gets you thru the day and lets you sleep at night.

Hey, can I have the XMen 1.5 DVD instead?!?!?!?!?!?

Edited By Gooch on 1045014537
You sure showed me.

"What you eat don't make me shit"

When you grow the balls to say what you want in person, instead of being a little fuckin weasel, get back to me.
Quote:When you grow the balls to say what you want in person, instead of being a little fuckin weasel, get back to me.

you ain't worth the wasted breath. like people care to tell you what they think of you. god, how self-serving

Edited By Gooch on 1045014638
Yeah thats what I though, you'll only bark from behind the safety of a computer. You have been begging to get into an argument with me for months, I have never instigated anything with you till your little crybaby dvd thread. Which you started only to pick an argument with me, you were offered the dvd and turned it down. In closing grow a set and before you start barking spike be sure you are willing to back up your words all the way. Instead of getting on your soapbox like you've been doing for years, you wanna talk about pathetic lives, like yours is full of constant joy.
ha ha...i made you take Locations out of the side profile. HA HA HA. you are pathetic
Quote:ha ha...i made you take Locations out of the side profile. HA HA HA. you are pathetic

You didn't make me do anything, keep on patting yourself on the back numbnuts. Jacks probably doing updates on the site, I bet that got you all excited though. Keep on reaching for shit that isn't there in your pathetic little crusade. Keep on pretending to know the circumstances of seans leaving and what he and I discussed.'s back. amazing.
you are reaching so bad it is not even funny.

yes its back cause jack was doing updates for member profiles, it was gone for a whole 5 minutes.

you are sadly pathetic.
I won. Try to get over it.
Quote:ha ha...i made you take Locations out of the side profile. HA HA HA. you are pathetic

Yeah uhm.. that was me. Sorry to ruffle your feathers.
... dis shit is dumb, brah...
No...I win. Thanks for playing.
Quote:I won. Try to get over it.

you're just proving my point more and more, thanks pussy.
Quote:... dis shit is dumb, brah...

tell me about it. everyone knows Gonzy loves me.
Quote:you're just proving my point more and more, thanks pussy.

what ever gets you through the cold dark evenings in your basement.

like anyone fuckin cares about our spat.
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